Top 10 Goobie Woobies

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Chapter 21

Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

Saiki opened his eyes, only able to see a chest. Trying to move himself away, he realized he couldn't. Kyoya's arms were still in the same place he laid them the evening before, one under Saiki's head and another around his stomach.

'Yare, yare.'

Saiki glanced up to look at Kyoya's sleeping face. He looked peaceful as he breathed in small huffs of air through his nose, while his mouth closed in a small frown.

Saiki raised the hand that rested on Kyoya's chest and gently touched his face with the tips of his fingers. Saiki brushed Kyoya's bed hair from out of his face.

'Much better.'

Bringing his fingertips down, Saiki let them graze over Kyoya's lips. They were rough, but full and pillowy. And suddenly, they started moving.

"Do you need something, Kusuo?" Kyoya said. Saiki quickly raised his eyes to Kyoya's which were now open wide.

I didn't know you were awake.

"I know," Kyoya smiled innocently,"Let me ask again. Is there something you need?"

Saiki's face was as stoic as ever, but his eyes shone with curiosity. Glancing back down, he realized his fingers were resting on Kyoya's chin, close to his mouth. Saiki sighed and turned his body around, not able to deal with the embarrassment of Kyoya thinking he needed a kiss.

"Don't turn around." Kyoya laughed. His morning voice wasn't deep, but it sounded scratchy and sultry. Something Saiki arguably thought was better.

You're so embarrassing. Why didn't you say something if you were awake?

Kyoya lifted his arm from around Saiki's waist and to his hand. He pulled it backwards behind Saiki's head so his fingers were back on Kyoya's face.

"I apologize. I couldn't help myself." Kyoya said, pushing his face farther into Saiki's hand. "Was I too selfish?"

Yes, but it's alright, so... don't apologize.

Saiki could feel Kyoya's lips on his palm. He buried his face into the arm Kyoya had laid under his head. Kyoya, feeling how warm Saiki's head was on his arm, bent his arm so his hand could rest on Saiki's forehead.

"You're warm. Are you feeling alright?" Kyoya said, but Saiki pulled his hand away from Kyoya's face and to his chest while trying to twist his head away from the hand on his forehead.

Yes, I'm perfectly fine, so let go.

Kyoya's brows furrowed. He had pressed more firmly on Saiki's head to keep him from twisting too far away. "No, you definitely feel warm to me. Turn around for a moment."

I told you it's fine, so let go.

"No really I-," Kyoya paused after he had pulled Saiki's head back to his chest. Kyoya looked down to see Saiki's flushed face and his pink eyebrows pressed together.



Kyoya pulled himself up to tower over Saiki. Both hands on either side of his head on the bed.

"I'm sorry, Kusuo. Let me be selfish one last time."

Saiki squeezed his eyes closed as Kyoya came down, connecting their lips. Moving slowly, Kyoya took the lead. Saiki slid his hands up Kyoya's broad back, his nails scratched at the fabric of his shirt softly. Kyoya lifted himself back up, taking in his lover's dazed look. Kyoya bit his lip, and let his body fall on top of Saiki's. He laid his face into the crook of Saiki's shoulder, breathing in long, deep breaths.

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now