PK Kids Annoy Saiki One Last Time

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Back at it again at krispy kreme 💪✌️

Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

The 3 days went by fast for Saiki. He finished packing most of his belongings in his zebra print suitcase, just leaving necessities. He spent the 3 days lazing around, eating the coffee jellies his mother bought.

Kurumi called PK to unenroll her son on the second day, and on the third day, they received his transcripts from the school. Usually, transfer students would be required to take an exam. However, since Saiki was given a scholarship through recommendation, he was able to get in after the administration's brief review of his past progress reports from PK.

Saiki sits at the dining room table, struggling to open his coffee jelly.

You little bitch.

As he finally rips open the treat, he hears a groan from the doorway of the house. "Ku, I already said I'm sorry so please just help me with the luggage already!" Kuniharu complains loudly.

Do it yourself. You're a big boy.

Kusuo smirked as he watched his father wither and fall to the ground, being an over dramatic dumbass as usual.

Kuniharu has been whining for the past hour, but unfortunately for him, Kusuo won't give in. Normally, he would have by now, too annoyed to deal with his constant grumbling, but Kuniharu decided that it would be funny to wake Kusuo up by attempting to beatbox Lady Gaga.

Spoiler alert. Kuniharu's head ended up in the ceiling.

Suddenly, Saiki heard a certain someone's thoughts, a certain group of people's thoughts.

'Saiki is moving. It must be the work of Dark Reunion. I must wish my fallen comrade goodbye!'

'I wonder if he'll like the card I made him. Maybe it'll finally make him say "wow!".'

'I wish he would have told us that he was moving, but then again Saiki has never been a talker. I'll miss him though, even though he always looks like he secretly judges us.'

'Damn. My magical balls didn't say anything about this. :/ '

'Woah. Saiki, why didn't you say your mom was so cute!'

Kurumi's yell sounded from the door. "Kusuo, your friends are here!"

Yare yare.

Saiki slowly walked to the front door, regretting his life choices.

His friends congregated around his front steps.
Nendou was in the front, digging in his nose, while Teruhashi, Kuboyasu, Kaido, Toritsuka, and Aiura stood either beside or behind him. In Teruhashi's hands is a basket with multiple cards and a small wrapped box.


"Saiki! We came to give you your farewell presents from the class. Sensei told us you were moving to Tokyo, so we made you cards!" Teruhashi exclaims, a sad smile on her face.

"Yeah, you could've at least said something, you inconsiderate shithead." Aiura stands, arms crossed, a cheeky smile on her face.

"H-hey don't be mean to Saiki! We won't be able to see him again for a long time!" Kaido says, trying hard not to stutter. You could see his eyes watering; you could tell he was trying not to let the floodgates go.

Nendou looked unfazed by the chaos. "Hey pal! You have to look at my card first. It's better than those other ugly cards."

"Whose card are you calling ugly! When was the last time you looked in the mirror, asshat!"

So, you came here to give me cards? And stop yelling. You're making my head hurt.

"Not just cards," Aiura continues as she grabs the wrapped box from the basket,"Toritsuka and I bought this for you so we can match!" She pushes the box frantically into Saiki's arms as she grabs Toritsuka's forearm with her other hand, holding it up.

Aiura fashions a bright green bracelet with a small silver heart charm at the end. Toritsuka's bracelet is navy blue with a silver heart charm at the end, matching Aiura's.

Saiki slowly opens the box, carefully making sure the contents don't fall to the ground. He pulls out a pink bracelet with another silver heart charm, matching both Toritsuka's and Aiura's.

Saiki's eyes widen for a moment before he controls his expression, going back to his usual stoic one.

Toritsuka is sulking while watching Aiura with a playful glare. "Aiura, I said I wanted the pink one!"

"Saiki looks better in pink than you do. Plus, I don't think you deserve it."

Aiura and Toritsuka begin to argue like siblings while the others look at them with amusement painted across their faces. However, they're bickering came to a halt when they heard Saiki speak. It was very soft, and you needed to be close to him to hear it, however everyone was able to make out what he said.

Thank you.

Kurumi stood by the doorway, out of sight. She smiled sweetly at her son's gratitude towards his friends.

The PK students all smiled wide and wild, Kaido's tears finally built up too much and started overflowing.

"Don't be sad pal! We'll visit each other one way or another, just wait. We're gonna eat ramen together in Tokyo!"

Teruhashi hands Saiki the basket, all thoughts of "wow!" having left her mind a while ago.

Saiki holds the basket and bracelet in his hands. He sets the basket down in front of him as he clips the bracelet to his left wrist.

Alright, Nendou. We'll get ramen.

Another day another slay. 🧍

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now