Saiki Meets Another Emo and Takes a Nap

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Sorry I haven't updated my hamster choked on a bead my sister left in her cage and I've been a little sad. But I'm totally fine now. 💪💀

Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

It has been around an hour since Saiki left the host club's room. He had left to eat the coffee jellies he had stashed in the fridge, however he had finished around half of them and was getting bored of waiting.

'Yare yare. I'm going back to the club room.'

Kusuo stood up, but heard a small noise coming from behind one of the cabinets. He walked closer to find a black piece of clothing hanging out from behind the cabinet.

Um... hello?

Suddenly, the piece of cloth was yanked behind the cabinet, no longer in Saiki's view.

Kusuo decided to look around the cabinet to see who was hiding there. He saw a figure in a black cloak trembling, hiding his head with a large non-stick pan.

What are you doing?

The figure flinched and slowly turned around to face Saiki, however due to the excessively long bangs, he could only see the bottom half of his face. Saiki could tell he was a boy, but why was he here?

"I-I um, the lights. Could you please turn the lights off. It's too bright." The boy said, a stutter clear in his voice.

Saiki slowly turned towards the light switch and flicked it off. He stared at the boy and he slowly stood up, the long cloak flowing to the floor. He started to speak, his gaze aimed towards the floor.

"I'm Nekozawa. I-I come in here for lighters sometimes. I always lose mine for some reason, so I don't have anything to light my candles with." The boy slowly explained. His hands moved as he spoke. Kusuo couldn't help but notice the cat puppet on his hand.

I'm Saiki. I was making sweets for the host club. Would you like a coffee jelly?

Saiki didn't like the fact that he would have to share his jelly, but Nekozawa seemed so tense that he felt bad for him.

Nekozawa looked up at Saiki and nodded. "I've never had one before. Is it good?"

'I refuse. How could someone live without trying coffee jelly?'

Saiki quickly turned towards the fridge and grabbed one out. He flipped the mold onto a small plate, topping the treat off with whipped cream. He shoved the plate into the other boy's hand as he opened one of the drawers to grab a spoon, handing it to him.

The boy's eyes widened as Saiki quickly moved around the kitchen, clearly excited. While Kusuo handed him the spoon, he could only stare in amazement. Saiki saw him staring and felt embarrassed. Maybe he was a little too enthusiastic.

Nekozawa snorted, as he took a bite of the jelly. Despite Saiki's embarrassment, he gazed at Nekozawa, waiting to see his reaction to his favorite dessert.

Nekozawa smiled softly, saying," It's really good Saiki-chan."

I know. It's my favorite.

In the dark room, Nekozawa could still see Saiki's eyes as they lit up, him still talking about the dessert in his hand. It really was good, but somehow Kusuo's excitement made it better.

Saiki glanced over to the clock on the wall to check the time.

I need to get going now. Good luck finding a lighter.

"Alright, Saiki-chan. I'll see you later."

Nekozawa watched Saiki as he left through the doors. His soft smile stayed on his face.

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now