US's Fav Sport: Dry Humping

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Chapter 24

Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

(Just in case anyone gets confused, the following conversation is between Kyoya and the rest of the group who are still seated at the picnic table right after Aiura dragged Saiki and Toritsuka off)

As the group who was standing settled down, Honey was already questioning the PK students.

"While Saiki-chan is gone, will you tell us about him? I bet he'd be way too embarrassed to let us hear anything if he was here! Pretty please!" Honey whined. Kaido and Teruhashi could not resist his obvious puppy eyes.

"Of course! I'll tell you about when Saiki and I battled Dark Reunion to protect-" Kaido began before Kuboyasu clapped a hand over his mouth.

Kuboyasu sighed, "He meant real stories, Kaido." Kaido pouted, glaring at Kuboyasu.

"They are real stories! You wouldn't know because one of Dark Reunion's henchmen spread knockout gas around the school that wiped your memories! I, of course, had to save you and the rest of our class." He said, after removing the hand from his face.

Kuboyasu smiled evilly at Kaido. "Yeah, like you saved you and Saiki from getting mugged."

Kuboyasu and Kaido kept throwing friendly insults at each other, while Nendou didn't seem invested in the conversation, as he concentrated on playing with the longer pieces of Kuboyasu's hair.

Teruhashi took the initiative as she gathered the host's attention. "I can tell you about Saiki! You've probably already noticed, but he's pretty quiet, and he acts like he doesn't care, but he totally does!"

Tamaki grinned wide, folding his hands in front of him. "I knew Saiki really did care about me deep down! He's just playing hard to get!"

The twins looked at each other and then at Tamaki. "We think you're an exception, boss." The twins shrugged and smiled as they saw Tamaki whine and slouch.

"Yeah! Saiki always seems to get into all kinds of trouble for some reason. It's like he's got this crazy power that just draws you in and stuff, ya' know!" Kaido said, waving his hands.

"Trouble? I can't really see Saiki picking fights with anyone." Haruhi said. She had taken a spot on one side of Kyoya, playing with Usa-chan and Honey who was still in Kyoya's lap.

Kuboyasu perked up, his eyebrows raising. "No! Not that kind of trouble." He smiled, "It's just like he's got a lot of bad luck. Like when that bookcase fell on him."

"Oh yeah! I remember that!" Teruhashi exclaimed, putting a finger to her bottom lip. "Remember when Saiki got kidnapped? That was scary!" She giggled.

The twins looked at her like she was crazy. 'Why is she smiling?'

"Huh? When did that happen? You should have told me!" Kuboyasu said, giving Teruhashi and Kaido a confused look.

Kaido looked back at him and said,"I think it might have been before you transferred. It wasn't a big deal though. He lived."

"That's reassuring." Haruhi said with the utmost sass.

"My buddy is really good with kids, too! Remember that little green haired kid that lived next to him? Saiki acted like he was his brother." Nendou said, still goofing around with Kuboyasu's hair.

"That reminds me!" Teruhashi exclaimed. "My older brother is infatuated with Saiki! Totally hates him!"

Kaido lit up like a light. "How could I forget! You guys said you go to Ouran, right?"

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