Inappropriate Use of Gun Shot Wounds

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Chapter 25

Saiki mind speaking


Normal talking

I told someone that I was going to upload last night, but there was an error with my revisions or something so it would upload 🫠 but I'm here now my pookie wookies

Kyoya left shortly after Saiki's parents arrived home. He and Saiki planned on seeing Saiki's friends off the next morning after having called Aiura to confirm. They didn't invite the rest of the host club because Saiki thought it wasn't necessary, and he also didn't want to have to deal with too many rowdy people when he didn't have to.

That morning, Kyoya headed over to Saiki's house, and they ended up just staying in until 11:30.  Aiura had called and told them that she wasn't able to wake everyone up in time, so they would have to take the 12 o'clock train instead.

Finally heading out, Saiki and Kyoya arrived at the station and waited to see them off. Of course, they could hear them coming in front of the station because of how loud they were. 

"Nendou, please stop messing with Kaido! You know how scared he gets." Teruhashi said as she swatted Nendou's hand away from Kaido's shoulder.

"That was you? I thought it was a spider!" Kaido said, his voice trembling. "I-I would have taken care o-of it!"

Kuboyasu patted Kaido's back as he sighed at how ridiculous he and Nendou were being. "I'm sure you would have."

"Look Saiki's up there with Prince Charming! Saiki!" Toritsuka yelled, waving his arm up in the air before Aiura smacked it down.

The group flew to the two who were waiting at the top of the stairs. "Good morning everyone." Kyoya said with a polite smile. Saiki didn't feel like smiling after Toritsuka's comment, feeling too embarrassed.

"Good morning, Prince." Aiura said with a yawn. The group was still chatting loudly talking about how they didn't want to leave Saiki and Tokyo, if they could come back to see them, and if Saiki would ever come to see them in Hidari Wakibara.

Toritsuka pinched Saiki's arm gently, pulling away from the group as they were too occupied showing Kyoya the souvenirs they most likely bought at a rip-off stand.

What is it?

Toritsuka turned to Saiki with a serious face looking a little confused. "Listen, I didn't get a chance to tell you yesterday with how hectic it was but a while ago some guy came to the temple and asked me some weird stuff about you."

Weird stuff? Like what? Did he give you his name?

Toritsuka shuffled his feet, looking down at them. "He was talking about your brother a lot, saying something about some old research paper he did on supernatural crap and he even asked me if I had noticed anything weird about you. It was super creepy! I don't even know how he knew we knew each other. He didn't give me his name, and I can't really remember what he looks like. Did he have blonde hair? No, maybe it was brown…" Toritsuka trailed off in his explanation as he started to mumble.

Saiki tried to think of anyone who matched Toritsuka's description, but it was too vague.

Thank you for telling me. I'll let you know when I find out who it was.

"It's not that. I'm just worried you know." Toritsuka said, glancing at Saiki.

Worried? For me?

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