The Cloaked Cat Boy and His Bad Vibes

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Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

As Renge, Saiki, and Kyoya approached the club room's doors, Saiki could hear their voices growing louder. Unfortunately, he would have to break his hand-holding with Kyoya to put his ring back on.

As he does, Kyoya looks over at him, questioning him with his stare. Kusuo quickly slides the ring back on and grabs Kyoya's hand, squeezing it into his own. Kyoya smiled down at Saiki, which the latter returned.

Renge pushed the doors open, and the talking quickly quietened down as the three walked into the room.

"Kyoya! You're back!" Tamaki exclaimed, running up to the trio.

"Yes, yes. We're back, Tamaki. No need to yell." Kyoya responded; Saiki nodded along.

As the other hosts gathered around them, all talking together at once, Renge decided to speak up.

"Everyone! I have something to say," she began,"I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I... I shouldn't have acted like I did, and I wanted to apologize. I was being too childish and I must have hurt your feelings trying to change you. But... I really enjoyed talking with everyone and spending time with you all, so if you'll have me, I wish to continue being your manager."

Renge had her head bowed in shame as she spoke. After speaking she lifted her head and turned to Kyoya saying, "I'm especially sorry to you, Kyoya. Like you said before, I projected my feelings for my game onto you. I invaded your privacy and was extremely rude. Please forgive me!"

"Renge..." Haruhi began, but decided against it. She knew that her words wouldn't help the situation, and that Kyoya would need to forgive her for Renge to be satisfied.

"It's quite alright, but please refrain from future mishaps." Kyoya said, accepting her apology. "But, it's not my place to decide if you can be our manager or not. The whole club must agree."

Renge nodded, looking around at everyone.

"I say it's a great idea!" Tamaki said

"Same here! Kaoru and I think it's fine as long as Haruhi agrees!" Hikaru exclaimed, looking towards Haruhi.

"Of course you can stay, Renge. We're happy to have you." Haruhi said as she stepped closer to Renge to hold her hands in her own.

"Me too! Me too! I think Renge will make a great manager, right Takashi?" Mori nodded at Honey as he hollered.

"What about you, Kusuo?" Kyoya said, gaining everyone's attention.

Kusuo looked at Kyoya surprised. He almost forgot he was also a part of the host club, even though he didn't really participate in the activities.

I don't mind.

"Awww Saiki! Thank you!" Renge said as she turned around and hugged Kusuo. He looked mildly uncomfortable, but patted her back anyway.

Renge quickly noticed him tensing up and pulled away, not wanting to overstep his boundaries. Despite popular beliefs, she learns from her mistakes.

"That reminds me, Kyoya, you said something about someone following Saiki earlier. What did you mean by that?" Renge asked.

"Huh? I don't remember telling Renge about that person, do you?" Kaoru said, talking to Hikaru who responded, "No, we didn't tell her about it."

"No one told me, it's just that earlier when Kyoya said Saiki disappeared-"

"What do you mean Saiki-chan disappeared? Kyoya you were supposed to be with him!". Honey shook Kyoya's pants leg, while holding his bunny with the other hand.

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