This Chapter Is Boring

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Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

On a serious note really quick. I hope all my American readers are safe rn. Especially my trans, POC, BIPOC, and uterus owning readers. Please stay safe, even more so if you are going to protests. 🩷💚🍮

Saiki's skin burned. He had closed his eyes, scared of such a new feeling, a new sensation. He pressed his lips together as Kyoya's soft words, and even softer touches lit the skin he kissed. Kyoya had spoken so gently into his ear, and now Saiki felt a small, sharp pain. Kyoya had bit his ear.

Kyoya, what- just what are you doing?

Saiki could feel Kyoya's glasses as they pressed into the side of his cheek. He glanced at the clock on the front wall of the classroom, noticing the bell for the end of school rang almost 15 minutes ago. If Saiki waited any longer, he wouldn't have the club's snacks done in time.

We need to go. I have to start baking now or I won't have them done in time.

Kyoya's arms tightened around Saiki's back and his face went back to snuggling into his collar as he talked. He was being childish. Not that Saiki really minded that much. His lips titled up in a small smirk as he brought his hands from Kyoya's hair to the arms wrapped around him. He put a hand on either arm, lightly pushing them. Kyoya wouldn't budge. Saiki rubbed up and down softly on Kyoya's arms as a way to comfort him.

"We won't have any clients today. I cleared our schedule because the Newspaper club requested a meeting with us, so we have extra time." Kyoya finally spoke, the hairs on his arms standing up from the tingly sensation from the way Saiki's hands felt.

"Plus," Kyoya began," you're warm. And so damn soft. Like a plushie."


'Did he just compare me to a... a plushie.' Saiki sighed, a little angry at the comparison, and seemingly not able to convince Kyoya to let go.

I'm not your personal body pillow, Kyoya. And did you even bother to tell the other hosts?

Kyoya flinched; he didn't seem to recall telling the other hosts that they wouldn't have club activities today. He finally lifted his head from Saiki's neck, leveling himself with Saiki and looking into his eyes. Kyoya had a small pouty expression, but didn't want to separate his arms from Saiki.

'Yare, yare.'

Saiki brought his hands from Kyoya's arms to his face, resting them on his sharp jawline and cheeks. Kyoya leaned into his tender touch.

If you let go, I'll let you come over this weekend.

Saiki's face was still stoic and unexpressive as usual. On the other hand, Kyoya's glasses seemed to have fallen so far down his nose as he stared at Saiki with what could only be described as excitement and unbridled happiness. Finding this absolutely adorable, Saiki couldn't help but rub his thumbs along Kyoya's cheeks. He titled his head like a cat as he gazed into Kyoya's beautiful stark black eyes.

"D-Deal..." Kyoya said in disbelief. He immediately unraveled his arms from Saiki. He stood up and pushed his chair under his desk before straightening out his blazer. Saiki watched in silent amazement at how quickly Kyoya fixed himself back up into his usual neat and tidy, put-together self. Well, except for one thing. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go to the club." Kyoya turned around and marched to the door.

Kyoya, wait a second.

Kyoya turned back to Saiki and saw how close the boy was to him. Saiki had followed Kyoya quickly to be able to catch up to him before he left the classroom. Kyoya noticed Saiki's eyes sparkle with amusement, his face still expressionless. Saiki reached his hand up and lightly pushed Kyoya's glasses back onto his nose so they sat properly on his face with his index finger.

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now