Taking Double D Like a Boss

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Chapter 23

Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

"It hasn't been long. I'm our class's president, so I was asked to tour Kusuo around the school on his first day." Kyoya said, taking back Saiki's hand.

Tamaki glared at Kyoya, acting betrayed. "Wait a moment! Why didn't you tell us when you started dating? I'm your best friend!" Kyoya just sighed.

"We haven't said anything because Kusuo and I weren't ready to tell everyone yet, Tamaki."

"It took you guys too long though." Honey said. Taking Usa-chan's stuffed hand, he playfully hit Saiki's chest. "The tension was making Takashi and I sick!" Mori nodded his head, agreeing quickly with Honey.

I'm sorry, Senpai, so please stop whacking me with your plush.

Kaido shot up, staring at Honey with a confused expression. "Senpai? Saiki, are you saying he's older than us?" The rest of the group looked to Honey who was looking right back at them, innocently, like he didn't just mess up their concept of age.

"No way. That can't be right." Kuboyasu said, clutching Kaido's shoulder.

Honey-senpai is already in his third year.

"Yes. Both Honey and Mori are third years." Kyoya added before looking behind him at the group still standing. "Why don't the rest of you sit down. We have plenty of room."

Aiura stood up from her spot on the bench and went over to Saiki's side. "While you guys settle in, I've got to talk to Saiki for a second." Aiura smiled politely, unlike herself and pulled on Saiki's hoodie.

Saiki looked to Kyoya silently asking him to hold Honey in his stead. Kyoya took Honey into his lap while Aiura dragged Saiki off before turning back around. "Toritsuka, what are you doing? Get your bubble butt the fuck over here now." Hiding his face in his hands in disappointment, Toritsuka got up and followed the other two.

Once they were far enough away from the main group, Aiura turned around and stared at Saiki with a serious expression. "Does he even know?" Toritsuka, getting the hint, gasped. "I completely forgot about that! Saiki, did you tell him you're psychic?"

Looking to the side guilty, he caught Kyoya's gaze. They locked eyes for a brief moment before Aiura took notice and turned Saiki's face to her's. "Saiki Kusuo, focus. How are you dating the guy when he doesn't even know that you can literally move boulders with your mind?"

Saiki pushed Aiura's hand away from his face, turning back to her with a glare.

Why are you so concerned? You and Toritsuka tell people you're psychics all the time. It's only Kyoya.

"We're concerned because it's you, Saiki!" Toritsuka said. "You're always going on and on about how you want to be the most normal guy out there, but the second Prince Charming acts like you're his world, you forget everything you've done to ignore how different you are!"

Aiura, fed up with Toritsuka's metaphors, pushes his face away with her hand. "What we're trying to say is that we're just worried about you, Saiki. Aren't you?"

Squinting his eyes, Saiki thins his lips.

Of course I'm worried. I'm terrified. I've never liked someone so much before.

"Saiki…" Aiura began. She didn't know what to say.

I know I'm different. I know I can't have what normal people can. But with Kyoya, at least I can pretend to be one of those normal people.

Toritsuka pinched the sleeve of Saiki's hoodie, tugging it. A small, yet effective way to ground his friend. "So, you're just going to live like this. Lying to him?"

"Toritsuka." Aiura warned.

No. He's right, Aiura. It's probably easier to tell him sooner than later, right?"

Aiura glanced at Toritsuka, then back to Saiki worriedly. "And if he treats you differently? What will you do?"

I'll be fine. It won't be the first time after all.

I was gonna write more for this chapter, but it's literally the perfect way to end it I just couldn't resist 🍮🛒🐈💨 the next chapter is going to be about what u can probably guess and bc of that I just think it's only appropriate to give it it's own chapter, but I'm going to make you wait a bit bc I'm feeling devious
Also I'm thinking of changing the pictures for the previous chaps so look out for that ig

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