Large Inflamed Testicles

975 47 43

Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

TW: blood, cursing, descriptions exploding inwards

The last chapter was kinda bad LOL but oh well I'll deal. It's been a while my dookies but here you are 😼❗

Quickly turning around he grabbed the hand that held onto one of his hairpins. However, Saiki missed and took hold of the man's wrist instead, giving him leeway to pull the single clip from Saiki's head. He immediately froze, only after digging his blunt nails into the man's forearm.

"One is better than none I guess." Akira Komatsuzawa pulled his arm away from Saiki's grip forcefully, causing Saiki to stumble forwards. The cabinets shook behind them.

"Well that's certainly interesting, but expected. Those research papers your brother published were detailed." Akira said as he massaged the scratches.

I don't know what you're talking about. Just give it back.

Akira threw the clip onto the floor. It didn't break but it was clearly cracked at the base. "Forgive me, but I did a little snooping. I hope you don't mind."

I do mind. A lot actually.

Akira walked closer to Saiki, and he felt the same feeling he had been having for days. Akira smiled shallowly and spoke again. "Psychic powers are just what I need. You'll do fine as a corporate dog for our company."

Saiki's expression didn't change as Akira reached for his last limiter, and he moved his hand to grab his wrist once more. Unfortunately, Akira stepped back in time as a few drawers flew open. Still acting innocent, Saiki tried to underplay the situation.

Just... give it back.

Saiki bit his lip and scowled as he realized Akira had no intention of letting him leave the room. The man himself reached to his sleeve and pulled it up. He revealed the bloody nail indents as well as a bracelet with a small jewel similar to the gem on Saiki's finger. Akira watched as Saiki's eyes lit up with recognition.

"I'm assuming you didn't know about the scandal your brother was in a few years back." Akira's smile dropped as he continued. "A famous scientist that studied and experimented at one of the top schools in the world yapped about how supernatural and psychic abilities were real. Of course it made headlines for weeks. When I first heard your name I hadn't recognized where from, so I searched through my family's library of past newspapers because of course we keep one of those. Digging a little deeper and talking to a friend of yours, it was easy finding what I needed."

You couldn't have known about my limiters and the germanium from Toritsuka. Give me back my clip and I'll let you leave.

It was an empty threat. Of course Saiki wouldn't let him be after ruining his sleep with unpleasant dreams.

"You're brother felt too proud of his invention to keep it a secret, so he had your limiters patented. For someone like me, finding the documentation was easy." Akira walked closer to Saiki, picking him up from his waist and throwing him lazily over his shoulder. "Don't move too much. I'd rather not have to follow through with my earlier threats."

He took Saiki's last clip and threw it on the counter beside him before making his way to the door. Saiki scratched his back in a useless effort to get down. Akira yelled and crouched down as Saiki dragged his nails across him. Not being able to hold back, it was as if needles were piercing his torso. Trying not to let it bother him, Akira pushed through the pain and walked slowly towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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