Not In My Fucking Christian Minecraft Server

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Chapter 26

Saiki mind speaking


Normal talking

Ik I'm super bad at updating on a regular schedule but I swear I had a reason this time, I'm just not legally allowed to say due to an ongoing investigation. Also a tree fell on our house and broke part of the wall but that's nothing. Literally pissing bc wtf I'm slaying it down in a court of law. Who knew traditional handcuffs could be sexier than the fluffy hot pink ones?

Waking up the next morning, Saiki felt refreshed. Having realized the past two nights he hadn't had any weirdly ongoing precognitions, took a weight off his chest. A very light weight, but still something that has been weighing him down. 

He quickly got dressed and went downstairs to greet his parents. His father, of course, was late, while his mother hummed a silly nursery rhyme as she watched her husband suffer and writhe in his lateness.

"Good morning, Ku! Did you sleep well last night?" Kurumi said, clasping her hands together cheerfully. Kuniharu finally noticed Saiki's presence, and bolted to him. Taking a moment to get untangled from his own tie, he spoke, "Kusuo, my cute son! Could you please-"

Figure it out yourself. You are 46.

Kuniharu paled as he had obviously planned for Saiki's special transportation. "Alright! I'll just speed a little and pray I won't have to lick too many shoes for some pity!" As he finished untangling and tying his tie, which still looked horrible, he dashed out the door.

"Are you hungry for breakfast this morning, Ku? I made cookies yesterday evening, so maybe you could take some to Kyoya-kun! I'm sure he'd be delighted to have cookies from you." Kurumi wiggled her eyebrows at Saiki who just sighed.

I'm going to school. Goodbye.

"Bye, Ku! Have a great day!"

Saiki didn't waste any time teleporting.


It was after school in the baking club's room. The club had been sent to the cooking club's room, which in Saiki's personal opinion should be a part of the baking club, for a friendly competition. Saiki was preparing snacks as usual, except he was now using his powers more openly. Kyoya was beside him watching him, amazed. 

"So that's how you're able to bake the cakes in such a short amount of time without ruining their taste and texture. Intriguing." He said, as Saiki had already moved into kneading dough. Saiki paused before looking to Kyoya.

Why don't you try this part?

Kyoya looked at Saiki and then to the dough in his hands. "I wouldn't want to ruin it. Is it alright?" Saiki just laid the dough back onto the floured surface before taking Kyoya's hands into his own white dusted ones. 

I'll just fix anything you mess up. It'll be fine.

Saiki pressed his fingers into the heels of Kyoya's hands to demonstrate where he would be putting his strength. 

Fold it in half and knead it outwards with the heels of your hands. 

Keeping a hold on Kyoya's hands, he positioned them and guided Kyoya through the process before letting go, letting Kyoya work the dough by himself.

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें