Women and Kisses

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Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

After the club activities had finished and the last of the girls had left the room, Saiki and Kyoya walked home together like they had done the day before.

They talked comfortably about things they noticed during the day and about how Kusuo was adjusting to the school. They passed by a convenience store and decided to buy popsicles. They bought the chocolate popsicle that broke apart for two people.

The rest of their walk was uneventful as Kyoya dropped Kusuo off at his home and left shortly after in his own car.

Saiki walked into the house, taking off his shoes before leaving the entrance. He walked into the kitchen to see his mother making some kind of fish dish. She turned around when she heard Kusuo walk in and smiled at him.

Kusuo started thinking about the talk he had with her earlier that morning. He thought about how right she was about Kyoya and he felt embarrassed, but she truly gave him the best advice he could've asked for. He returned her smile, even if it was only a small up turn of his lips.

He decided to retire to bed for the night, too tired for food at the moment and quickly washed up. As he laid in bed, his mind raced at the memories from the day. How crazy and hectic it had been. He drifted off into a deep sleep, wondering if anything would come of those gently beating feelings he had. Or maybe they would turn out to be nothing and nothing would come of it.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The next day went by just like the others had. Kusuo got up and ate breakfast with his mom while also having to teleport his father to work.

He and Kyoya had finished Kusuo's tour the day before so they just sat in their classroom conversing. Saiki's only complaint was Tamaki who just had to butt in on their conversation with his own ideas.

Classes were soon over and club activities began. Tamaki went to the club room while Kyoya and Saiki went to the baking club's room.

Although it was loud, Kyoya would rather not leave Kusuo alone. He also enjoyed watching Kusuo cook. He loved seeing the other concentrate on decorating the cakes with icing flowers and stars.

Kyoya helped Saiki push the cakes and sweets which were on carts similar to the ones in the host club's room, back to their own club. Daisuke had allowed them to use a few of the carts they had in the storage closet so they wouldn't need to make a second trip.

Kusuo didn't feel the stares he had gotten the day prior. Maybe he really was being delusional.

They made it to the club and the other hosts helped prepare the tables with the sweets and cakes Kusuo had baked.

The activities soon started and ladies filled the room, sitting on couches and seats scattered around each hosts' area.

Saiki had sat back down in the large, dark green chair from yesterday and brought his legs to his chest. He observed the hosts as they yelled, flirted, and gossiped with their clients.

Although certain areas were louder, Saiki's eyes always ended back to Kyoya's figure. With the same clipboard as yesterday, Kyoya worked hard with whatever paper was on it.

Time flew by for Kusuo as he watched the hosts, he even took a small nap. The ladies slowly started to filter out as it was nearing time to go home.

As everyone was finally gone, everyone started to clean up, talking to one another as they did so. Of course, Saiki didn't feel the need to help, so he just stayed seated in the comfy chair.

"Looks like the host club has a brand new guest." Kaoru and Hikaru said, gaining the other hosts and Kusuo's attention.

They all looked over towards the door and saw a young woman with medium length brown hair peeking out from behind the door.

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now