Dark Corners

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Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

The club decided it would be better to search in groups, So everyone paired up into two and began walking around the large school.

Kyoya and Saiki were paired together, as they decided to head for the West wing of the building. Most everyone had already gone home, but there were a few stragglers who hadn't left the school yet because of club activities. They had been walking around for a while, not seeing any signs of Renge.

"It seems she's hidden herself very well." Kyoya said.

I'm starting to think that she's more trouble than she's worth.

Kyoya sighed, it seemed they weren't going to get home until they found this girl. As they walked, they stuck their heads into classrooms and clubrooms along the hallways. All the hosts decided they would call Kyoya if any of them found her, but not a single ring had been heard from his phone.

They had been waking for a while when Saiki felt if. Those eyes.

He swiftly gazed around the hallway as he felt a nervous shiver up his spine. He looked at Kyoya, but it seemed that he hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

'I don't have time for this.' Saiki thought, so he did the most rational thing. He took off his ring.

Immediately, Kusuo heard the thoughts of the boy beside him.

'Why does this girl insist on being such a nuisance? I just want to walk home with Kusuo.'

'Cute.' Saiki thought, hearing Kyoya's thoughts for the first time. But that's not what he was looking for.

He concentrated a little more and then he heard it. A thought which sounded so small he almost missed it. Although, looking back, maybe he wishes he did miss it.

'More. Give me more.' Saiki heard it, but he was confused. He couldn't tell where this thought was coming from. Not only that, but what was that supposed to mean? He wants more, but more of what?

'I've gotten this far, I might as well see who it is.' So, against his better judgment, Saiki turned away from Kyoya and started focusing on where the thought was coming from. Kyoya didn't notice immediately, but when he did Kusuo was already gone.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saiki wandered around a bit, not exactly sure where he was going, but knew he was getting closer to the thoughts.

He felt the eyes on him continuously. How is he still watching Saiki without being closer to him? Maybe he wasn't in the hallways. But maybe-

'Stupid Kyoya! He doesn't understand anything! Why can't he be more like the one from the game?' A girly voice exclaimed, followed by a sniffle.

'Yare, yare.'

Kusuo walked over towards a door that he and Kyoya disregarded earlier. It was the stairs that led to the basement. Kusuo didn't know what was kept in the basement, but Kyoya would surely know. Unfortunately, he had split up from Kyoya in favor of finding out who his secret admirer was.

Saiki decided to pick up his search for the stalker for another day and talk Renge into calming down and coming out so they could all go home.

He opened the heavy metal double doors and stepped onto the first step leading down.

The stairs were wet and dark. Farther down he could see a light and rows of shelves holding his knows what on them.

'Why can't anything I do be normal teenager activities?'

Renge please come out.

The sniffles and small coughs suddenly stopped as Saiki began to walk down the grimey stairs. He could hear shuffling, assuming it was her standing up from wherever she was situated.

Saiki finally got to the bottom of the stairs. The rest of the basement didn't look in any better condition than the stairs. The light shown above was just a single bulb attached to the ceiling. A string hung down, which must be how she turned it on in the first place.

He looked over to his right to see Renge wiping her face ferociously, desperately trying to get rid of the tear stains. He doesn't feel bad though. She is the reason he had to come down here to this wet dungeon looking room in the first place.

Come on, Renge. Let's go back to the club room. Everyone has been looking for you.

She sniffled again and looked up at Kusuo with a glare, "Why do you care? It's not like it's any of your business. It's your fault anyways!"

'Why does it have to be my fault?' Saiki internally rolled his eyes.

It's my business because the rest of the club and I can't go home until we know you're fine.

"Well tell the others I'm perfectly fine on my own. It's not like any of you ungrateful pretty boys would even listen to me anyways." Renge sniffled again. It seemed she was just getting angrier and angrier.

'Yare, yare. Maybe listening to her would be easier and quicker than knocking her out, erasing her memories, and letting Kyoya find her.'

If I listen to you will you come back to the club room with me?

Renge looked at him quizzically. She sighed and said, "Fine but you can't talk over me ok?"

He sighed,

Renge began talking about how she flew all the way from a different country to Japan just so she could be with Kyoya. She talked about how much he was different from what she wanted him to be. Once she finished talking she was out of breath, so Saiki began speaking.

Renge, Kyoya is different from your game because our Kyoya is real. He isn't your's and coming here to force him into a marriage isn't going to turn him into your ideal version of him.

Renge thought for a moment. Maybe he was right. Maybe she wasn't really in love with Kyoya. Maybe she was just in love with the idea of him.

She sighed and began, "Now I know why he looks at you with those eyes. You know him so much better than I do, maybe that's why I can't compete. "

Saiki looked at her confused. What did she mean by those eyes? What way was Kyoya looking at him?

Renge watched Saiki think, while also thinking for herself.

Renge stood up abruptly and started shouting, "Alright! I've made up my mind!" Saiki looking at her like she was crazy made her grin like a mad woman. "By the end of this year, I'll make sure you and Kyoya become a couple!"



I've started making these chapters shorter bc I can't tell if I like making multiple short chapters or long ones that take a while to make 😕😕😕

If you want me to go back to making longer chapters that is 100% ok with me 👍👍👍

Also I will be uploading the 12th chapter tomorrow 🌞🌞🌞

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