Poker Face by Eric Cartman

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Chapter 20

Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

Gently holding Kyoya's face, Saiki smiled at Kyoya. Kyoya, in return, leaned down and pecked Saiki's lips.

Have you taken a shower yet? I'm sure you'd want to.

Kyoya had his and Saiki's hands intertwined down at their sides. Saiki leaned back against the kitchen cabinets while Kyoya stared at him.

"No, I haven't. Have you?" Kyoya said, his thumb softly rubbing the back of Saiki's hands. Saiki shook his head to say no. He stood up from his slouch against the cabinets and without disconnecting his hands, brought Kyoya up the stairs and into his room.

Did you bring clothes?

'It would be strange if he didn't, considering the weight of his bag.' Saiki thought, glancing towards the purple bag on his floor.

Kyoya followed his eyes down to his bag, and went to grab it. "Yeah, all my stuff is in here. I wasn't sure what to bring so I might have brought too much." He then proceeds to bring out a bottle of conditioner and shampoo, a brush, toothbrush and paste, and gray sweats with a navy blue tank.

'Oh, this isn't too bad. It's just everyday stuff.' Saiki thought.

He thought wrong.

Kyoya zipped open another pocket and pulled out not just face wash, but an entire face routine. He had a gel face wash, a foam cleanser, an exfoliate, a rice water face mask, a toner, 2 sheet masks, a cleansing oil, a serum, an eye cream, a moisturizer, and 2 cutesy fluffy headbands-one with bunny ears and one with cat ears. What was even stranger was that it seemed that most of the stuff hadn't even been used yet, even the headbands still had their tags on.

'...Is this a rich person thing, or is my boyfriend genuinely a psychopath?'

Kyoya. What... What is all that for?

Kyoya looked at Saiki guiltily. "I wasn't sure what I was supposed to bring, so I asked one of the family maids at home what she does at sleepovers. She said that her friends do each other's skin care routines, so I had my chauffeur drive me to the store and I bought some of the stuff our maid recommended."

I see.

"Was I wrong?" Kyoya said, looking down at all the stuff he had laid out on the wood floor. Saiki watched him, feeling conflicted. Sure he didn't want to have to do a face routine, especially when he didn't even need to wash his face to keep clear skin, but he felt bad for how much effort Kyoya had put in to make him happy.

Saiki kneeled down and started picking up all the skin care into his hands as Kyoya looked at him.

Go take a shower first, then I will. Afterwards, we can try and do this stuff.

Saiki set all the items on his desk next to his notebooks. Turning back to Kyoya who had stood up, he began to speak again with a stoic, as usual, expression.

I'm happy that you put so much thought into it. Now go take your shower. I don't want you stinking up my room, Kyoya.

Kyoya huffed, a twitch of his lips turned into a small smile. "Right." He said as he grabbed his clothes and hair products to walk across the hall to the bathroom.

Saiki sat down at his desk to look over the skin care. He heard the shower turn on down the hall, as he took the seals off the bottles. He held up the headbands in front of him. His eyebrow twitched in frustration and embarrassment at thinking about how he would have to wear one.

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now