chapter 5 - meeting the savior {Rewritten}

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Rimuru POV

Gradually, I became aware of a warm sensation caressing my head. It was a comforting touch, gentle and soothing, like someone was patting me tenderly. Accompanying the sensation was a soft, melodious voice, humming and singing with a soothing melody. As I slowly blinked my eyes open, the warmth intensified, and the voice grew clearer, filling my senses with familiarity.

I closed my eyes again, relishing the comfort and familiarity of the sensation. It was as if I was wrapped in a warm, cozy blanket, protected from the cold, harsh world outside. But then, I heard a voice calling out to me, a voice that I knew too well, and it brought me back to reality.

"Good morning, Slime-san," the voice whispered. Instantly, I knew who it was. No one else called me that.

Shizu-san, My Destined One.

"Good morning, Shizu-san," I replied, my heartwarming at the sound of her voice. Even though I was aware that this was just a dream, I couldn't help but wish it was real. Nevertheless, I decided to indulge myself and engage in conversation with her, cherishing this fleeting dream.

"It seems like you've saved someone else once again," she remarked, her voice gentle and soothing.

"He's my younger brother. I will rescue him without fail. In this life, I finally have a family. A family that loves me unconditionally. And I swear to protect them with all my might," I declared, a surge of determination boiling inside me.

"I believe in you. But do remember not to exhaust yourself. Your mother worries a lot, doesn't she? Spend quality time with your family. As you mentioned, you finally have a family. So enjoy every moment with them. Don't overexert yourself," she advised, her tone sincere and caring.

"No need to worry so much, Shizu-san. I genuinely appreciate every moment I have with them, for no one knows what the future holds," I reassured her, assuring her that I understood her concern.

"Nevertheless, I can't help but worry. In the end, I burdened you in your second life. I want you to enjoy this life," she confessed, her voice tinged with sadness.

I sighed inwardly, not wanting her to carry any guilt. With a gentle gesture, I pressed my finger against her lips, silencing her words.

"Please don't worry, Shizu-san. It's because of you that I have an identity in this world. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be who I am today. So consider it as repayment for the debt I owe you. Without you, I wouldn't have this physical form, and I wouldn't have Ciel. I'm truly grateful to you for everything and glad to have met you," I expressed sincerely, my gratitude spilling forth. I wanted her to know just how thankful I was for everything she had done for me.

It was undeniably true. If it hadn't been for Shizu, I wouldn't have been blessed with a human form. And if it hadn't been for the skill I acquired from her, Raphael, who ultimately gave birth to Ciel, wouldn't exist. My gratitude towards her knew no bounds.

"If that's the case, I am equally grateful to you, Slime-san. You fulfilled my selfish desires, and I'm truly thankful to have met you, Rimuru Tempest," Shizu confessed, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips as tears shimmered in her eyes. And with that, my consciousness abruptly returned to reality, leaving behind the ephemeral dream that had brought us together once more.

Gradually, I felt my consciousness returning. I squinted my eyes as the soft light of the sun filtered through the canopy of the trees. I could feel a heavy weight upon my chest, which swelled a sharp pain in my torso. I groaned and tried to move, but the throbbing ache intensified, causing me to lay still. When I struggled to open my eyes once again, I saw Arthur lying tensely on my torso, having fallen asleep within the safe embrace of my arms. His breathing was shallow and ragged.

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