Chapter 18 - Training {Rewritten}

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Jasmine Flamesworth POV 

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the slits of my window blinds, casting delicate ribbons of gold across the room, I stirred from the grasp of sleep. With a stretch and a deep breath, I allowed my senses to awaken to the world unfolding outside. The warm hues of the morning sky painted a serene backdrop.

Slipping out of bed, I moved with a quiet fluidity. In the stillness of my chamber, I carefully chose my attire, my fingers tracing the smooth fabric of the black clothes. It was a familiar touch, comforting against my skin. Securing the robes in place, I fastened a supple brown belt around my waist, ensuring a snug fit. The belt served both fashion and function, allowing me to carry my double daggers effortlessly.

Next, I gathered my dark locks, fashioning them into a neat ponytail that accentuated the angles of my face. With a final adjustment to ensure no loose strands remained, I surveyed my reflection in the mirror, my features composed.

The events of yesterday lingered in my thoughts, a tapestry of surprises and revelations. It was a day when the seemingly impossible became reality, as we discovered the continued existence of Rimuru and Arthur, thought to be dead. Witnessing Rimuru's formidable strength as he overcame Adam and Director Goodsky served as a testament to his power. Moreover, learning that Rimuru and his brother had become disciples of the revered former King of the Elves, Elder Virion Eralith, showcased their immense talent.

After the boisterous celebration concluded, I sought out Rimuru in the tranquility of the backyard. Moonlight bathed the surroundings, creating an aura of serenity. It was there, amidst the quietude, that our conversation unfolded, sealing a promise that would shape my future. Rimuru, despite his tender age of four, possessed a maturity and wisdom that surpassed many adults. The idea of being trained by such an extraordinary child was peculiar, yet, as I came to understand, Rimuru was far from ordinary.

Memories of our initial meeting flooded my mind, transporting me back to the beginning of our arduous journey towards Xyrus. It was a night steeped in uncertainty and anticipation, where the path ahead seemed shrouded in shadows. And it was under the moonlight that Rimuru and I engaged in our first heartfelt conversation, the words exchanged etching themselves upon the canvas of my memory.


As I emerged from the tent, a faint rustling sound reached my ears, drawing my attention. The night air wrapped around me, carrying a delicate coolness that contrasted with the warmth of the campfire's dying embers. Instinctively, I followed the source of the sound, my steps guided by a mixture of concern and intrigue.

Walking through the moonlit camp, its ethereal glow cast a surreal ambiance upon the surroundings. The tents stood like sentinels, their fabric gently swaying in the nocturnal breeze. The moon, a radiant orb in the ink-black sky, illuminated the landscape with a silvery luminescence.

In the distance, I spotted Rimuru, his figure perched atop a massive boulder. The moonbeams bathed him in their otherworldly light, highlighting his features and imbuing him with an almost mythical quality. His silvery blue tresses cascaded down his neck like a shimmering waterfall, each strand imbued with a captivating luster.

As I drew nearer, I couldn't help but be captivated by Rimuru's striking countenance. His youth belied the profound handsomeness that emanated from within him. Serenity and tranquility graced his face, while his eyes, akin to molten gold, shimmered with a serene and gentle radiance. It was like he was a part of the sky, a celestial being who had come down to earth to show us its beauty.

Awestruck, I found myself halting, drawn into the enchantment of the moment. It was as though time had suspended its ceaseless march, affording me the privilege of witnessing this ethereal tableau.

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