Chapter 15 - Reunion {Rewritten}

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Rimuru POV

"R-rimuru?" A familiar voice rang out behind me, causing me to stop dead in my tracks. Slowly, I turned to face him.

There, before me, stood my father. He had not changed much since the last time I saw him, his body became more lively, and looking at his beard he looked much healthier than before. A mixture of surprise and sheer happiness adorned his face, and a few tears shimmered in his eyes, streaming down his cheeks.

Standing beside him was a well-groomed man in a suit, wearing glasses and sporting a neatly parted hairstyle. He had a small brown beard adorning his chin, and his reddish-brown eyes held a mix of disbelief and bewildered joy as he looked between my father and me.

 He had a small brown beard adorning his chin, and his reddish-brown eyes held a mix of disbelief and bewildered joy as he looked between my father and me

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"H-hi Dad, I'm back," I managed to stammer, feeling a tad embarrassed as I awkwardly waved my hand. As soon as the words left my mouth, my father's face lit up with an indescribable expression of overwhelming joy and relief. He ran towards me, embracing me tightly in his arms, tears freely streaming down his face. Overwhelmed by the flood of emotions, tears found their way to my own eyes as I tentatively patted my father's back.

"Rimuru! My Son! You're back!" My father exclaimed, clutching my head to get a better look at my face. The man beside us seemed to grasp the situation to some extent and hurriedly made his way past us, disappearing into the house momentarily. In no time at all, he emerged, accompanied by my mother.

As I glanced at my mother, my heart swelled with a mixture of joy and awe. Despite the passage of time, she had retained her youthful appearance, her countenance now revitalized with a newfound vigor. The lines that once marred her face seemed to have faded away, replaced by a radiant glow that emanated from within. Her belly, now prominently rounded, spoke of the imminent arrival of a new life.

When her tear-filled eyes locked with mine, it was as if the floodgates of emotion burst open. Tears streamed down her cheeks, carrying with them a blend of disbelief, relief, and overwhelming love. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as she swiftly moved towards us, her steps filled with a sense of urgency and a need for physical connection, she rushed towards us, joining in our embrace, forming a trio wreathed in tears and a sense of disbelief.

"Oh, my baby!! You're alive!! You're back!! Yes, you're back!" My mother's voice trembled with a mixture of relief and overwhelming joy as she collapsed, allowing her tears to flow freely. We remained entwined in the embrace for what felt like an eternity, tears cascading down our cheeks as we momentarily forgot the world around us.

Gradually, we began to calm down from our emotional outpouring. My mother, regaining her composure, looked at me with concern etched on her face and asked, "Are you okay? You're not hurt, right? And where's Arthur?" Her eyes darted around anxiously, searching for any sign of my brother.

"Calm down, Alice. Let him rest for a bit. We can talk inside," my father interjected, his voice filled with concern as he tried to pacify my mother's mounting anxiety.

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