Chapter 34 - Familiar girl

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Rimuru POV

The next morning, as the soft, golden glow of dawn began to paint the sky in hues of pink and orange, I slowly emerged from the depths of slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I found myself greeted by a breathtaking sight: a sprawling canvas of twinkling stars that hadn't yet faded in the light of the approaching day. Their ethereal beauty momentarily captivated me, allowing me a serene moment of reflection before my gaze drifted towards the slumbering figures of Jasmine and Arthur, their faces peaceful and undisturbed by the waking world.

Stiffness enveloped my body, remnants of yesterday's arduous battle. With a determined resolve, I mustered the strength to rise from the comfort of my makeshift bed, the rough and worn fabric scraping against my skin. I stretched, feeling the tightness slowly ebb away as my muscles responded to the movement. A gentle breeze, cool and refreshing, whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of damp earth and morning dew, its touch caressing my face and prompting me to venture forth in search of firewood.

As I ventured further from our campsite, the forest embraced me, its rustling leaves and the gentle sway of the branches above creating a symphony of nature. The air was alive with the sound of distant birdsong, the rhythmic hum of insects, and the distant rush of a nearby river. Scouring the forest floor like a diligent hunter, I meticulously searched for the perfect pieces of weathered branches and discarded logs, my fingertips brushing against the rough textures as I carefully chose wood that would provide a steady flame. Satisfied with my findings, I made my way back to the campsite, the weight of my collection increasing with each step.

Kneeling beside the remnants of last night's firepit, the darkened ash contrasting against the surrounding earth, I meticulously chopped the collected wood into manageable pieces, the sound of the blade biting through the aged, weathered bark filling the morning air. Piece by piece, I arranged them into a small pile atop the ashes, the smell of freshly cut wood mingling with the subtle scent of smoke that still hung in the air. With practiced ease, I used fire magic, the flickering flame at the tip of my fingers quickly devouring the dry kindling until a warm, crackling fire emerged, offering respite from the chill of the morning.

Having completed my initial tasks, my attention shifted to Ciel. Slumber had become her faithful companion, her watchful eyes growing heavy with fatigue. Knowing the lengths she had gone to protect me, I had convinced her to rest simultaneously, assuring her that her eternal vigilance was unnecessary when I slumbered. Reassured by her peaceful breathing, I offered a soft smile, grateful for her unwavering loyalty.

With moments of tranquility allotted to introspection, I settled into a focused state, determined to prime my mind and body for the challenges ahead. Unsheathing my trusty sword, its blade glinting in the early morning light, I choreographed a dance in the empty air, each movement honed through countless battles. My muscles strained and my senses heightened as I immersed myself in the rhythmic flow of the practiced routine, the graceful arcs and swift strikes creating a visual symphony of combat.

Beyond physical prowess, honing my mastery over mana and harnessing its depths burned at the core of my being. Channelling the arcane energies that coursed within, I endeavored to refine my control, seeking seamless manipulation. With each ethereal eruption and delicate manipulation, I savored the satisfaction that accompanied success, knowing the untapped potential it heralded.

The passage of time, marked by the gradual ascent of the sun, went unnoticed as my exploration of magic continued unabated. Threads of elemental forces entwined in a symphony of power, as I wove new spells with complex combinations. In these stolen moments of solitude, I reveled in the pursuit of supremacy, desiring spells that would grant us an indispensable edge in our battles yet to come.

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