Chapter 50 - Team Fighting Class Pt.2

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Rimuru POV

Sparks flew like miniature fireworks in the air as our blades clashed with a symphony of metal on metal. The clang of swords rang out through the training grounds, filling the air with a thrilling intensity. Lily's eyes, bright with focus and determination, locked onto mine as she moved with grace and precision.

I raised my sword in a sideways strike, the blade catching the light and sending sparks flying as Lily anticipated my move and gracefully dodged to the left. She launched a rapid series of counterattacks, each strike calculated and swift, forcing me to react with quick parries and blocks.

As we danced around each other in a deadly game of skill and strategy, I couldn't help but be impressed by Lily's prowess. Her movements flowed like a river, her strikes delivered with a precision that defied her young age and spoke of countless hours dedicated to honing her craft.

"Did Ciel teach you this?" I asked, momentarily thrown off guard by her unexpected proficiency with a sword. My training with her had focused on hand-to-hand combat and dagger skills.

A sly smirk crossed Lily's face. "Yes, she did," she replied, her voice filled with determination and excitement. "But I wanted to surprise you, so I kept it a secret until now."

"Well, you certainly have succeeded in that," I admitted, admiration shining in my eyes. "But there's always room for improvement."

With a nod of agreement, Lily's expression turned serious. "I know, and I am willing to work hard to get better. I want to be as skilled as you one day. Although I know that this is next to impossible." Lily chuckled lightly as she spoke.

I smiled, proud of her determination and drive to improve. "Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it, Lily. With hard work and practice, you can achieve anything you set your mind to."

"Now shall we continue?" I asked, raising my sword once again.

Lily nodded eagerly, her determination shining through her eyes. "Yes, let's continue," she said, ready to face the challenge head-on.

Without giving me much time, Lily launched herself at me, and she was fast for a Conjurer, very fast! Her speed and agility took me by surprise, but I quickly regained my focus and engaged in the fierce battle once more.

The clash of our swords reverberated through the air, creating a symphony of metallic echoes. We engaged in a deadly dance, our movements a flurry of precision and skill. With every strike, I matched Lily blow for blow, our blades locked in a fierce struggle.

As our duel intensified, I caught glimpses of wind mana swirling around Lily's hands, a telltale sign that she was preparing a spell. Recognizing the imminent danger, I swiftly evaded her attack, narrowly evading the grasp of her conjured spell. Capitalizing on the momentary opening, I tapped into the elemental forces at my disposal, manipulating the very air around me to create razor-sharp blades. With a swift motion, I hurled them towards Lily, hoping to catch her off guard.

However, Lily's reflexes remained as sharp as ever. She conjured a formidable barrier of wind, its transparent shield deflecting my assault effortlessly. Undeterred, I pressed on, determined to find a way to penetrate her defenses.

I channeled wind mana into my sword, infusing it with additional power as I closed in on Lily once more. But she anticipated my move with uncanny intuition. She countered my attack by conjuring a sudden gust of wind, throwing me off balance and halting my momentum. I fought to regain my footing while dodging a barrage of water balls that Lily conjured, each one narrowly missing its mark.

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