Side Chapter - Ellie Awakening

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Eleanor Leywin POV

I sat cross-legged in the tranquil backyard, the soft green blades of grass cushioning my small body as I entered a state of meditation. Big Brother Rimuru's teachings echoed in my young mind as I closed my eyes, ready to awaken my core. The warm rays of the sun caressed my face, creating a gentle, golden glow that infused the atmosphere with a serene energy. A light breeze danced through the air, carrying with it the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, enveloping me in a cocoon of peace.

In this moment of pure serenity, my pint-sized focus turned inward, towards the depths of my being. With deliberate intent, I explored the ethereal realm of mana that resided within me. Drawing my attention to the previously teeming black void, I observed a fascinating transformation taking place. Now, only a few scattered remnants of mana remained, as the majority had converged around the radiant brilliance of my mana core, like a multitude of tiny stars illuminating the night sky.

As my mind settled deeper into meditation, I allowed my thoughts to wander, steering them towards the vibrant vision of my desired future. With vivid clarity, I imagined myself, standing tall and proud alongside Rimuru and Arthur, their equals in strength and ability. The mere thought of being acknowledged and praised by my beloved Big Brother Rimuru filled my tiny heart with a potent mix of excitement and unwavering determination.

With each steady breath, the connection between my consciousness and my mana core grew stronger. A profound transformation unfolded within me, as the once pervading tendrils of black mana gradually receded, giving way to the increasing concentration of energy swirling around the vibrant, pure brilliance of my core. The ebb and flow of power resonated through every fiber of my being, creating a symphony of ethereal vibrations that reverberated within the depths of my soul.

Amidst this enchanting dance of energy, I was engulfed by an overwhelming sense of gratitude and awe for the guidance and wisdom bestowed upon me by Big Brother Rimuru. His unparalleled tutelage had paved the way for this transformative experience, where I, a mere child, could palpably feel the essence of my being awakening and my true potential unfurling before me, like the unfolding petals of a magnificent, otherworldly flower.

Lost in the monotonous gathering of fragments towards the radiant center of my being, I felt a fullness in my little chest growing stronger. The sensation was akin to a gentle expansion of my heart, as if it was brimming with a joyous energy that yearned to burst forth into the world. Pulling more and more fragments towards my center, the feeling of tightness increased until it reached a crescendo.

And then, in an instant, it happened.


The feeling of fullness vanished as a powerful force erupted out of my small form, extending in a spherical shape, spiraling outward with a chaotic brilliance. A sheen of sweat adorned my tiny brow, and my breaths came out slightly haggard, as if I had just run a race. Trembling with excitement and awe, I cautiously opened my eyes to see the aftermath of the extraordinary phenomenon I had unleashed.

The explosion had created a hole in the ground, resembling the one caused by Lily when her core was awakened. I looked down at my small, trembling hand, staring in complete amazement. I did it! I awakened my essence! A surge of jubilation filled my tiny being, and I couldn't contain my overflowing joy. With unbridled energy, I jumped and twirled around the backyard, a burst of innocence and pure delight.

And then, in a flurry of movement, everyone came bursting out of the door, drawn by the ruckus I had unintentionally caused. They stood there, frozen in amazement for a while, their eyes wide with astonishment. And the first to move, as always, was my beloved older brother, Rimuru.

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