Chapter 35 - Deal

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[6 Months later]

Rimuru POV

"Move!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the icy tunnels, as we made our way deeper into the Arctic Abyss. The dungeon was a labyrinth of frozen tunnels and caves, with slippery walls and floors that made every step treacherous. The air was so cold that it seemed to seep into our bones, and the occasional rush of wind that whipped through the narrow passageways made us shiver even more. The walls were covered in cascading ice crystals that sparkled in the dim light, and the ground was made of an icy sheet that cracked with every movement we made.

We had been traveling for hours, battling through snow snakes, frost bears, and now frost wolves - each battle more grueling than the last. These creatures were well adapted to the icy environment, making them formidable opponents even for experienced adventurers like us.

The frost wolves we faced were B-class mana beasts. Their fur glistened like fresh snow, and their teeth glinted as they snarled and growled at us, ready to pounce. I could feel their cold breath on my face as they lunged at us, their claws scraping against the ice floor.

"Get ready!! More beasts are coming!" Jasmine breathed, panting as she shot a Wind blade at another wolf, cutting the beast and causing it to collapse on the ground. Art swung his sword, slicing through a wolf that lunged at him from behind. With a swift motion, I lunged forward and sliced the wolf in half. The sound of our footsteps echoed throughout the cavern, mixing with the roars and snarls of the beasts we fought.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, sensing Art and Jasmine's exhaustion.

"Fine. We can still go on," Art said, his breaths ragged.

"I have enough mana to keep going," Jasmine added, panting heavily.

"Good. Because I have a feeling this is only the beginning," I said, sensing that there was more danger lurking around each icy turn. Art and Jasmine turned to face the remaining mana beasts, and I knew I had to act quickly.

I raised my hands to the sky, and a powerful gust of wind swept across the battlefield, knocking the mana beasts off their feet. As they struggled to regain their footing, I charged toward them, my katana flashing in the dim light of the dungeon. With each swing of my sword, I cut down the frost wolves one by one.

Art and Jasmine followed behind, their own weapons flashing in the dim light of the dungeon. Art hacked and slashed his way through the beasts, his sword cleaving through bone and flesh with a satisfying crunch. Jasmine darted about gracefully, her dagger cutting through the air like razors and dispatching the wolves with deadly efficiency.

Breathless and exhausted, Art and Jasmine collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. "Hmm? Are you tired already?" I said with a wry smile, putting my katana back in its sheath.

"Can you blame us?" Art said, still gasping for air. "We've been fighting for hours."

"Alright, let's rest for a while," I said as Art and Jasmine nodded in agreement. We replenished our cores and restored our mana as we sat huddled together in a small alcove off to one side of the tunnel. When our core was completely replenished, we decided to move on once again.
When we arrived at the boss room, our footsteps echoed loudly in the cavernous space. The door before us was massive, intricately carved with elaborate ice designs that gleamed even in the dim light. Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward, my hand trembling slightly as I reached out to grasp the icy cold handle.

With a slow, deliberate push, the door creaked open, revealing a sight that took my breath away. The room was enveloped in darkness, save for the ethereal glow emanating from the ice formations that adorned the walls and ceiling. Stalagmites and stalactites of ice jutted out in every direction, creating an otherworldly landscape that seemed to shimmer and dance with a soft, blue light.

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