Chapter 29 - The Auction House

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Rimuru POV

Over two months, I started teaching Lily the basics of mana manipulation for conjurers. As we progressed, I could see her making significant progress, and I was confident that she would become an adept conjurer. so I started to train her in the arts of self-defense Along with conjurer lessons. I also started teaching my baby sister mana manipulation, and her progress in mana manipulation was evident. It seems that she quickly entered a period of stability where she could concentrate without me or my brother being with her.

I didn't need to inform my parents and the Helstea family of the importance of remaining silent on this as well, but it was pretty obvious the four of them were excited for the day Ellie was ready.

Sylvie has been sleeping a lot more these two months, but noticeable changes have occurred. Her intelligence had increased tremendously, and she could now understand and display emotions more complex than just hunger or sleep. Furthermore, she had learned a transformation skill that allowed her to change her appearance. The timing of this new skill was perfect as she was starting to grow considerably in size, and the transformation helped her keep a low profile in public.

In the meantime, both Vincent and Tabitha kept insisting on delivering more gifts to us as thanks. Even if I wasn't making a deal with Vincent about cloaks or masks, after all, she was from the family that had been helping my family in difficult times. as well as She's kind of my childhood friend. After countless refusals of gifts, we finally came to an agreement, we would get a sword.

Both of our bodies were now miniscule enough to be able to use small weapons without any problems, so Art and I could train blade techniques without having to use sticks of wood. We were thinking about both our families going to visit the Tenth Anniversary Helstea Auction. Waiting in the living room downstairs for our father and Vince to get ready, we heard an obnoxious knock from the front door.

A smile made its way to my lips as I recognized a familiar mana signature, When my brother opened the door, I could see him choking between Angela's breasts.

"Who's the—OOF!" Art wanted to ask who was there but got squashed by Angela.

'A classic way of assassination.' I thought to myself, amused by the irony of the situation.

"Oh my goodness! Look how big you've gotten! I'm so sorry, Art! I wasn't able to protect you! I'm so glad!" the lady sniffled.

"Mmph! Mmmfph!" Art was trying to escape the hug from a woman.

"Angela, I don't think he can breathe..." A comforting voice pointed out.

"Eep! S-Sorry!" Angela squealed.

Peeling his face away, Art smiled at the sight of our companions. "It's so good seeing you guys again!" Art said.

our giant guardian angel, Durden, patted Art's head and I saw his narrow eyes getting watery, triggering a tear from Art as well.

Adam smacked Art on the butt. "Little brat! Do you know how devastated everyone was because of what happened? It's good to see you again, hehe. "

"You've gotten better looking, Arthur. " Art turned to see Helen with her signature bow still strapped to her back squatting down in front of him. She lightly pinched Art's cheek and gave him a sympathetic smile before standing back up.

Jasmine followed them and hugged Art before standing up and coming to me, "It's good to see you all," I said smiling at them as I hugged Jasmine.

"We're just glad to see that you're all right," Helen said.

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