chapter 11 - The beginning of the plan {Rewritten}

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Rinia Darcassan POV

As Virion and the children finally departed from my hut, returning to the palace, I couldn't help but let out an exhausted sigh. The day had been incredibly draining, introducing me to two extraordinary individuals who held the power to reshape not only the continent, but the entire world.

The first person I had encountered was Arthur Leywin, a reincarnated king from another world. In his previous life, he had earned a stellar reputation as the strongest individual, despite his limited Ki pool. His strength lay not only in his physical prowess, but in his unmatched reflexes and flawless sword skills. Just being in his presence was a humbling experience, as his aura exuded power and confidence, leaving no doubt that he was a force to be reckoned with.

But what truly set Arthur apart was his newfound liberation in this new world. Endowed with a Beast Will from the daughter of the most powerful being in existence, he was now free from the constraints of his previous limitations. This alone made me wonder how far he would ascend. It seemed that Arthur was always destined to stand at the precipice of monumental changes that would shape the future of this world.

Though I could not glean the specifics of his fate, one thing was for certain – Arthur would become a formidable presence. He would be a beacon of hope, illuminating a world that was shrouded in uncertainty and darkness.

However, it was Arthur's brother who remained an enigma to me. All I knew was that he existed in this world, yet whenever I attempted to peer into his past or divine his future, all that greeted me was an impenetrable void, a darkness so deep it seemed to devour every trace of his existence.

Rimuru Leywin, as he was commonly known, possessed an aura of mystery and intrigue, his very presence eliciting curiosity and a sense of unease. It was baffling to consider what role Rimuru would play in the grand scheme of things, and what profound changes he might bring to the fate of this world. The uncertainty surrounding his path left me pondering in awe.

All I could do in this moment was hope that Rimuru would be a blessing to this continent, that his presence would bring about positive change and contribute to the greater good. As I gazed out into the unknown, uncertainty shrouded his path, leaving me to wonder what kind of impact he would have and how his destiny would intertwine with that of his brother Arthur.

Only time held the answers I sought, the revelations of how Rimuru's destiny would intertwine with that of his brother Arthur. In this moment, all I could do was send my wishes and hopes into the air, fervently praying for a future where these two remarkable individuals would shape the world for the better.

Rimuru POV

It had been a long and eventful day since our visit to Elder Rinia, when we finally returned to the grand structure of the palace at Elenoir. The sun had already set, casting long shadows over the magnificent architecture. Arthur and I, both weary from our travels, decided it wasn't worth beginning our training immediately. Instead, we retired to our assigned rooms for the night.

As we settled into our chambers, weary from our travels, we were unexpectedly summoned to a meeting with the King and Queen of Elenoir. They wanted to apologize for the initial misunderstanding and graciously offered us the opportunity to stay in their palace during our training. Arthur and I accepted their apology, expressing our gratitude for their hospitality.

The following morning, I found myself awake before the designated training time. It seemed my body had grown accustomed to the early rise. As I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up, I was startled by the sound of my brother's voice echoing through the hallways. Concerned, I hurriedly rushed towards Arthur's room, where I found Virion assisting him with his mana core.

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