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I sat at the window seat looking through the window. It was so snowy. It felt amazing to finally have a home. This was all I had wanted for years. A safe place. We still shoot away the Walkers and go out on missions but we don't have to worry about sleeping with one eye open. We had been living here for 5 months now. I was drinking my hot chocolate. It was comforting. Reminded me of before the outbreak. Before I met Daryl. It feels weird to say that. I cant imagine a world without Daryl without wanting to cry. That world is a nightmare. I saw Daryl walking back to the house with a load of logs in his hand. I smiled at him and he smiled back as he walked up to the door. When the door opened I felt the strong cold breeze.

"Some winter storm out there," Daryl walked over to the fireplace and dropped the logs next to it.

He opened the cupboard door and put his coat inside as I put down my mug.

"You haven't been staring into space all day have you?" Daryl walked over and wrapped his arms round me.

"No," I hugged back, "I've been reading."

"What book?" The taller man looked down at me.

"You wouldn't like it," I shook my head.

"Try me," Daryl smirked.

"1984," I answered.

"Oh ye," Daryl nodded, "Your right. I don't like dystopias. A world of walkers is enough."

"Its not all horrible. Its about two people who fall in love and wont let anyone get in the way of that," I put my hand on his chest.

"Well that part actually sounds alright," Daryl shrugged.

"Of course it does," I stretched up and kissed Daryl.

He held my neck and kissed back.

Once the sun was up the next morning I decided to go out. The wind had calmed down so I thought it would be a good time to get out the house. I didn't want to wake Daryl though. I left a note on the bed for him to see when he wakes up. I wrapped up all warm and headed out to get a coffee from the café.

"Morning Carl," I smiled at my nephew as I walked into the café which was surprisingly quieter than usual.

"Morning Aunt Y/N," Carl smiled back, "Usual?"

"That would be great thanks," I leaned on the wall waiting.

"Here you go," Carl handed me my coffee once it was done.

"Thanks kid," I took it holding it close, to keep me warm, "If you see your uncle Daryl, tell him that I've gone to see your dad at the the main entrance."

"Will do," Carl nodded as I left.

My brother Rick was usually at the wall. He's always been one for safety and keeping others safe. When we were running from the walkers for years, he didn't trust many people. That's gone but his passion for killing the walkers that get anywhere close to the people he loves hasn't. When I climbed up the stairs he was sat there just looking over the wall. There were a few walkers but Rick didn't bother to shoot them. They just fell into the moat we built when we first got here.

"Morning," I pulled up a chair next to my brother.

"Oh don't tempt me with the smell of coffee," Rick laughed.

"I would have got Carl to make you one if I knew you wanted one," I sipped from the cup.

"I haven't actually tried his drinks yet. Maybe bring me one on Friday, as long as it doesn't taste like it will poison me," Rick joked.

"He's your son. I doubt he will want to poison you," I shook my head.

"I know," He smiled.

"How's little Judith? I haven't seen her in a while," I asked.

"Oh ye! About that, no knives in the house. She gets into the kitchen draw, grabs a knife and says she's a mighty warrior. I think it may have something to do with D-," Rick started to explain.

"Daryl," I interrupted him. "Don't worry. I'll sort it," I nodded, "So are we getting anymore buildings refurbished anytime soon?"

"I'm afraid not. We're gonna have to stick to houses and a café. We just don't have the materials," Rick sighed, "I hope we will be able to in around a year or two though."

"A year or two," I raised my eyebrows.

"Mhm," Rick nodded.

"I'm really gonna have to find some hobbies," I drank the rest of my coffee

"You could help with the farm instead of lookout," Rick suggested.

"No," I shook my head, "I'd rather do my own gardening in me and Daryl's garden."

"How are you and Daryl?" Rick asked.

"Perfect as always," I smiled. "Hello," Daryl snuck up behind me and hugged me.

"Hi," I laughed.

"You guys talking about me?" Daryl sat between us and held my hand.

"Maybe," I squeezed his hand.

"Oh it better be good," Daryl looked at us both.

"No we were complaining about your hair," Rick smirked.

"What about my hair?" Daryl pretended to be offended.

"Don't listen to him. Your hairs perfect," I started to fiddle with his hair.

"I'll let you plat it but only once," Daryl looked at me.

"Yes!" I celebrated.

"You are a big softy," Rick laughed.

"Shut up!" Daryl stared at him.

On the way home I was enjoying the snow falling from the sky. It reminded me of what I loved as a child. Snow globes. As much as I wanted to stay outside I was bloody freezing. Daryl opened the door and I rushed inside. I stomped the snow off my feet and took off my jacket. I then rushed over to the fire. I lit a few matches, chucking them into the fireplace. It was one of the best parts of the house. Something to keep us warm. We no longer had the luxury of heating. Daryl sat behind me and wrapped his arms round me. I laid back and had my head on his chest and was supporting myself with my arms on his knees.

"You feel better," Daryl brushed my hair out my face.

"Definitely," I nodded, "By the way. Stop showing Judith knives. She thinks there fun."

"They are though," Daryl looked down at me.

"Rick said she grabs them from the kitchen and says she's a mighty warrior," I spoke seriously.

"Okay. I'll stop," Daryl nodded.

"Good," I smiled.

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