The Prison

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We finally had showers again. We were safe in the prison. My best friend Daryl had allowed me to stay with him in his cell seen as we had taken in way more people. There weren't many cells. We were just lucky to be safe. I was walking past the showers to go to bed when I heard something. The shower was going and I heard muffled crying.

"Daryl?" I knocked gently on door.

There was no response. I knocked again but there was no response. I grabbed the door handle and twisted it to open the door. When I peeped my head through I saw Daryl sat in the shower. He still had his clothes on and he was crying. He had his knees up to his chest and was looking down letting the water pour down his head. I came into the room and shut the door. Daryl didn't respond to anything. I walked into the shower and hugged him from behind. Daryl tensed up from the sudden touch. It took a while but he relaxed. He let me comfort him in that moment. My clothes became soaked, but I didn't care. I couldn't just let Daryl be alone through whatever it is he's going through.

I thought he would have spoken by now so I decided to say something, "Daryl. Whatever's going on I'm sorry."

Daryl turned his head to face me. Now I could see his eyes. I let go of him with one of my arms and brushed back his drenched hair. Daryl rested his head on my shoulder as I stroked his head. After a while Daryl calmed himself. He looked up properly and switched off the shower.

"Why do you care about my feelings?" Daryl asked.

"Your the person closest to me. I care about you because you have cared for me," I held his neck and looked into his eyes.

He didn't look like he understood why still, so I had to show him. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. I could tell he was shocked but then he held the back of my head kissing me back.

When we pulled away I told him, "I care for you. There's nothing you can do about that because I always will. You can cry on my shoulder whenever you need to. Whenever you feel down."

Daryl grinned with appreciation for what I had told him. This time he made the first move in kissing me. We both changed clothes when we got the the cell. I hung them on the cell door to dry and then we went to sleep in each others arms.

In the morning I immediately went to the courtyard. I had gotten changed into some of my usual clothes. That being jeans, a vest, jacket vest and boots. People were already outside eating. I grabbed some bacon and joined Carol at her table.

"Hey Carol," I smiled.

"Morning Y/N," Carol smiled back, "How was your sleep?"

"Honestly the best in a while," I leaned rested my head on the palm of my hand.

"Thats good," Carol nodded, "How come though? You haven't had good sleep in a while."

"Uhh... no reason In particular," I shrugged.

"Morning bae," Daryl came over, kissed me on the head and walked over to Rick who was in the farm.

"I think I've figured out why," Carol laughed.

"The best detective," I joked.

"You and Daryl. God its about time," Carol ate her food.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Well, I was ready to just push you two together and make you kiss," Carol admitted.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did as well," I shook my head.

"So did you two?" Carol insinuated.

"No," I interrupted her, "We kissed."

Carol raised her eyebrows at me.

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now