My family found me

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I was hidden in a house all alone. Since everyone had run out the prison, I was alone. I was scared shitless. All I wanted to do was be with my best friend Rick and my boyfriend Daryl. This house was okay though. There was food and I bed. One afternoon I heard the door open downstairs while I was resting on the bed. I sat up quickly and fell to the floor. I then scooted under the bed. I laid there scared. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to die to the hands of some scavengers. I heard creaking. Footsteps on the stairs. I tried to stay hidden but then I spotted the person, and they spotted me.

"Y/N!" Rick smiled.

"Rick!" I climbed out from under the bed.

Rick came to the top of the stairs, and I hugged him.

"I thought you were dead," Rick hugged back, "You need to come downstairs right now."

Rick grabbed my hands and dragged me downstairs.

"Why?" I asked laughing.

"Trust me. Close your eyes," He got me to sit down on the sofa and ran off.

I closed my eyes and I waited. I heard the door once again and what sounded like more footsteps.

"Your gonna have to trust me on this," Rick told me, "Open in three! Two! One!"

I opened my eyes and then saw Daryl who had just opened his eyes.

"I knew you wouldn't be dead," I ran over to him, and Daryl picked me up as I wrapped my arms and legs round him.

"Thank fuck!" Daryl wrapped his arm around me and had his other free hand on the back of my head.

"I missed you," I pulled away so I could face him.

"I missed you to," He leaned forward and kissedme.

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now