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Each year we learn something about our soulmate. Always on our birthday. I had some suspicion of who it was, but I didn't want to say anything in case I was wrong. When I was young it was tiny things but didn't matter. But in last several years It became more obvious. One year was they had a brother with a missing limb. The next was they had blue eyes. The one after that, they have long hair. Then they have brown hair. Next was they have a cross bow. Then lastly this year was they have a skull tattoo on their hand. That's Daryl.

"Daryl!" I knocked at his door one day. Daryl opened the door and smiled when he saw it was me,

"Happy birthday, birthday girl!"

"Thanks!" I grinned, "Can we talk."

"Ye sure," Daryl let me in.

"This is my soulmate description," I handed him a piece of paper with everything on.

Daryl read it and took it in. He was blank faced but then had a smile.

"No way!" He grinned, "I knew it would be you."

I grinned to.

"Can I?" Daryl asked.

"Ye!" I nodded and Daryl kissed me deeply.

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now