Help from a friend

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I was sat on the top of a hill one afternoon. I like to do this to get away from everything and just have time to myself.
"What are you doing?" I heard a voice over me.
I looked up to see Jesus stood there with a smile.
"Did you follow me?" I asked.
"Yes," He sat down, "When you see you're best friend leave safety you kind of want to make sure their okay."
"Ive done this many times," I laid down on the grass and then Jesus did.
"Why are you out here then?" He looked to me with a smile.
"Thinking," I answered.
"About what? Or about who?" Jesus insinuated.
"Shut up!" I hit him playfully, "How about you and Aaron!"
"You shut up!" He laughed.
"See! We both haven't made progress," I laughed along.
"Why haven't you asked Daryl out yet? He obviously likes you," Jesus asked.
"But what if he doesn't and he just thinks of me as a sister," I shrugged.
"He looks at you in a very specific way. He likes you more than you think," Jesus sat up and then stood up, "Do you want to date this beautiful man?"
"Yes! Of course I do," I then also stood up.
"Then we practice," Jesus took his hair out of a bun and let it drop down, "Pretend I'm Daryl. Ask me if I will be your boyfriend."
"Okay," I nodded then mumbled, "Daryl will you be my boyfriend."
"Wheres the enthusiasm?" Jesus chucked.
"You know I've been a little pussy since we were kids," I crossed my arms.
"Come on! How long have you know Daryl now?" He asked.
"Three years," I answered.
"And you like him a lot don't you," He leaned down.
"I don't just like him," I grinned.
"You love him?" Jesus raised his eyebrows.
"Yes I love him," I smiled thinking about him.
"Sorry I didn't hear that," Jesus leaned forward and looked away so that his ear was facing me.
"I love him!" I yelled.
"Jesus christ!" He stepped back, "I didn't expect you to yell."
"Sorry," I sighed.
Jesus walked back over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He then turned me round and I saw Daryl.
"You love me?" He grinned.
"Well, yeah. I do," I nodded.
Daryl walked over to me and kissed me while holding onto my waist. I kissed back and held onto his neck. When we pulled away we both smiled.
"Jesus? Did you plan this?" I asked
"Maybe," He spoke with a happy voice.
"Well I'm doing this to you soon with Aaron," I looked at him and then looked back to Daryl who then kissed me again when I did.
"I love you to," He looked into my eyes.

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