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"You look really pretty in thats dress," I smiled at Judith.
"Thank you for making it aunt Y/N," Judith walked over and hugged me.
"You're welcome," I hugged back.
"Whats this?" Daryl walked into the room.
"Aunt Y/N made me some dresses and I'm trying them on," Judith faced Daryl, "You could use some of Y/N's clothing skills."
Daryl was wearing his usual attire. Flannel, vest jacket, jeans, boots and a knife on his belt.
"Cheeky," Daryl laughed.
"I mean... your uncle Daryl would look great in floral wouldn't he," I joked while looking Daryl up and down, "Or maybe a Hawaiian shirt. Ever seen one of them?"
"No," Judith shook her head.
"Then maybe I'll make one," I grinned.
"They're cheesy as hell," Daryl shook his head.
"But thats whats great about them," I smiled.
I took some fabric from my basket and walked over to Daryl.
"What about this one Judith?" I held it on Daryl's chest.
"I don't suit pink," Daryl shook his head.
"You do," Judith nodded.
"I agree with her," I laughed, "But we can try some more. What about orange? Blue? Green? Yellow?"
"Black?" Daryl suggested.
"You always wear black. I want to make you at least one things thats colourful," I looked at his outfit.
"Judith made this," Daryl turned round showing off the wing Judith had painted.
"I still really love that by the way," I faced Judith.
"I love it to," She nodded.
"How about I make a blue Hawaiian shirt to match with the wing you made?" I asked.
Judith nodded repeatedly.
"Is that a yes?" Daryl asked, not being able to see cause he was facing the wall.
"Its a yes," I span Daryl back round and then kissed him.
Daryl wrapped his arms round me and kissed back.
"Ewwww!" Judith reacted.
We both pulled away to see Judith covering her eyes.
"One day you are going to have a partner and you will not be disgusted," I told her.
"Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!" Judith shook her head.

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now