Shane! Get away from me!

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"Shane! Get away from me!" I yelled trying to walk away from Shane who had just tried kissing me and grabbed me.
"Come on Y/N!" Shane went after me, "I can do way better than Daryl."
"First Lori then me? You're a sick mother fucker!" I faced him and then turned to walk away again.
Shane grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him.
He kissed me but I pulled away and slapped him.
"Fuck you!" I screamed in his face.
Shane punched me in the face and I fell to the ground.
"Oi!" I heard a yell.
I looked up to see Daryl stood there. He was pointing his crossbow at Shane as he walked over. Daryl held out his hand to me and I took it. He helped me up and we both backed away slowly and headed for Daryls little camp. We went into his tent and as soon as I sat down, I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried.
"Y/N," Daryl spoke softly, "What happened? I only saw him hit you."
"Shane tried kissing me. Then when I walked away he grabbed me. Then he kissed me. I hit him and then he hit me," I explained through sobs.
Daryl wrapped his arms round me and I accepted the comfort from my boyfriend and leaned my head on his shoulder and nuzzled my face into his neck.

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