Daryl I'm pregnant

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"Shit!" I covered my mouth when I saw the pregnancy test was positive, "Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"
I ran to where Maggie and Glenns cell was to talk to either one of them. I couldn't talk to my brother Rick. I just couldn't.
When I arrived at the cell, Glenn was sat down on the bed.
"Y/N? Whats wrong?" Glenn looked at me.
"Can I talk to you?" I asked.
"Ye," He nodded.
I walked in a closed the curtain. Then I pulled the pregnancy test out my pocket and showed it to Glenn.
"Congrats," He smiled.
"I dont know what to do," I sighed.
"What do you mean?" Glenn asked.
"What if Daryl doesnt want to have the baby with me. What then?" I panicked.
"You need to talk to him," Glenn stood up, "You cant just hide it."
"Your right," I sighed
"Come on," Glenn opened the curtain.
I stuffed the pregnancy test back into my pocket and walked out the cell.
We walked around the prison and eventually found Daryl outside on watch in a tower.
"Hey Daryl!" Glenn waved.
"Oh hey guys," Daryl looked down.
"Do you mind coming down a minute?" Glenn asked.
"Sure," Daryl leaned his gun against the fence and headed for the stairs.
"I'm nervous Glenn," I faced him.
"Trust me. Everything's going to be okay," Glenn told me.
Daryl opened the door and stepped out, "Is everything alright?"
"I'll give you to some privacy," Glenn put his hand on my shoulder and then walked away.
"Y/N? Whats going on?" Daryl looked confused.
"I think it would just be better to show you than tell you," I pulled the pregnancy test out my pocket and handed it to Daryl.
He just looked down at it and wasn't giving my a reaction.
"Daryl? Please say something. You're scaring me," I pleaded.
"Your pregnant," Daryl looked at me with a smiled.
"Ye," I nodded.
Daryl wrapped his arms round me, pulling me into a hug and I buried my face into his neck.
"You cant die on me okay?" Daryl told me.
"Okay," I pulled away from the hug and kissed him deeply.

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