I will rescue you

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I was hunting and I fell in a fucking hole. It was deep and I couldn't climb out. I even really hurt one of my feet.I could yell for help but that would just attract walkers. I just sat there and cried. There was no way anyone would find me. I'd probably be eaten before found. It got to night and I was still in the hole. I heard twigs and leaves snapping and moving. Thinking it was a walker, I started to panic.
"Y/N! Y/N!" I heard someone call out in a loud whisper.
I realised who it was.
"Daryl?" I stood up, "Daryl!"
I heard more walking. Only faster. I saw Daryl up top looking down at me.
"Oh thank god your okay," Daryl put his crossbow on his back and laid down.
He lowered his hand.
"I'll try but your really going to have to help me. I hurt my foot," I told him.
"Its okay. I can pull you up," Daryl reached his hand out.
I took his hand and started to climb up but most of the effort was from Daryl. I used my other hand and feet to try push myself up until I could get both my elbows on the grass. Then Daryl grabbed both my arms and pulled me up.
We both laid on the ground and took deep breaths.
"Thank you," I breathed heavily.
"Its okay," Daryl sat up and stood up.
I stood up but I could barely walk.
"You okay?" Daryl asked.
"I have a limp," I told him.
Daryl walked closer to me and just whisked me off my feet.
"Daryl!" I laughed.
"What? Its quicker than you walking," Daryl started to walk us back to Alexandria.

When we got back, Daryl took me to my house. He put me on my bed and took my shoes off for me.
"Your foot just needs to rest. It wont be broken," Daryl sat on the edge of the bed right next to me.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Its okay," Daryl nodded.
"No really! Thank you. I was worried I wouldn't get out," I held his hand.
Daryl leaned forward and he kissed me. I held onto his neck and kissed back.
When we pulled away we both just smiled at each other.
"Listen. I'll always rescue you. Okay?" Daryl took one of my hands in his.
"Okay," I nodded and Daryl kissed my hand.

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now