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At the line up, I was next to Daryl. When Negan stepped out he came and stood in front of me.
"Well, hello again doll," Negan stared down at me and held out his hand, "Come on."
I took Negan's hand and he pulled me to my feet.

"What is this?" Rick asked.
"Well this Rick. Is my wife. One of my many wives," Negan wrapped an arm round my waist with Lucille in his other hand.
I looked at Daryl who looked at me heartbroken.
I gave him a sorry look. I didnt want to do this to him.

"Y/N. Why dont you tell them who you are and what you had to do," Negan looked me in the eyes.
"My names Y/N. Not Lilith. Y/N Rovia," I started by looking down but Negan made me look up, "I'm Paul Rovias sister. Aka Jesus. Negan picked me to become a spy. He gave me a walkie-talkie to report back to him. He gave me a set of rules. Report back at least once a week, dont blow my cover and develop a close and sexual relationship with one of you to gain your trust more. I would have been killed if I didn't follow the rules. I'm sorry Dar-"

As I started to say sorry but Negan covered my mouth.
"Shes not sorry," He smirked.
Negan took me to the trailer and made me sit in front of it. I watched Glenn and Abraham die. I didn't know what to think.
I spotted Daryl staring at me. I just looked down. I had done something horrible. And they all trusted me.

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now