After affect

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Saturday February 19th

I don't remember shit from last night

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I don't remember shit from last night. I mean I remember a little bit but not a lot. Me, Mookie, Taliece,mar, Lo and Jay crashed at the air bnb. Where ever we was at is where we slept. I woke up before everyone and was just chilling outside smoking and watching the videos from last night. I was lit last af, that's all I'm seeing.

I turned around to the sound of footsteps coming from behind me and it was Taliece.

"Wassup" I said blowing out smoke as she took a seat next to me.

"Wassup" she awkwardly said.

I tried to pass her the blunt but she declined.

"No I'm ok" she said shaking her head.

"Shid more for me." I shrugged.

She just kept looking at me then looking away everytime I went to look at her for looking at me.

"Wassup witchu yo" I laughed.

"Nothing" she said looking down.

"Then why you keep looking at me then looking away." I asked pulling from the blunt.

"Is last night gonna make things weird?" She asked rubbing her arms.

"Wym?" I asked. I was confused as to what she was talking about.

"You don't remember anything?" She asked.

"Mm mm" I said shaking my head no.

"Ok" she shrugged.

We sat in silence for a minute. I thought hard about what happened and what she was talking about. That's when it came to me but I played dumb.

"You talking about when I came up behind you and got a dance?" I asked.

"Yes and no" she answered.

"Oh-well I don't know what you're talking about then" I shrugged again.

"It's fine there's no need to bring it up if you don't remember." She said playing with her fingers

"Coo coo... don't you got work?" I said turning to look at her.

"I called in sick." She quickly replied.

"What y'all talking about?" Her friend asked coming to sit with us.

"I was chilling by myself enjoying the peace"

"Oh that sucks." He said giving a fake smile

"How'd y'all like the party?" I asked

"It was cool" Taliece answered.

"Tuh that mf was jumping. Taliece was throwing that  ass in a circle and I got me a nigga number." Jay responded.

"Whose?" I asked.

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