Chapter 10

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Charlotte's POV

We sit at dinner the night before school. I am eating my food ignoring the conversations around me. The empty chair is making me kind of sad. I like Matteo, but I won't say I miss him. I am not that trusting of them.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Vincenzo asks.

"I guess," I reply in a voice with no emotion. I can see my brothers looking at each other.

"Are you nervous or excited at all?" Nicholas asks. I just shrug. I don't know why I'm just not feeling it tonight. 

"I think you're tired," Giovanni says. I mean he's not wrong, but I'm not gonna let him get that victory.

"No I'm not tired," I say in a tired voice. After a few seconds, I yawn. Fuck. 

"You were saying," Giovanni says. I glare at him, leading to the sides of his mouth ever so slightly curving up.

"Can I be excused?" I ask.

"Yes," Giovanni says.

"Good night," I say to all of them. I hear of a few good nights as I walk upstairs. Once I get to my room I take a shower and pick out my outfit for tomorrow. I pick out dusty brownish orange pants and a white sweater. I get into bed and finally have a decent amount of sleep. I only wake up a few times. 

"Wake up il mio fiore. You have to get ready for school," a voice that sounds like Giovanni says.

(My flower)

"Five more minutes," I say. The voice speaks again.

"No, you said that ten minutes ago." I finally get up. I brush my teeth, put on a little mascara, and brush my hair. I get dressed and grab my bag as I make my way to the kitchen. On the way, my nose fills with the scent of french toast, eggs, and bacon. I walk in to see Nicholas cooking breakfast for everyone. All my brothers are there except Alessandro.

"Here you go bambina," Nicholas says passing me a plate.

"Thanks," I say and begin eating the food. This is so good it melts in my mouth.

"You should be a famous cook," I say to Nicholas. He just laughs.

"Thank you I'm glad someone appreciates my cooking," he says looking at my other brothers.

"Alright have a good day today. Boys watch your sister, and Charlotte stay out of trouble please," Giovanni says.

"Ale get your ass down here right now or you'll be late," Giovanni yells up the stairs. A few moments later Alessandro comes down the stairs. 

"Let's go," says Luca grabbing his keys.

"Shotgun," Bruno yells.

"Yeah right," Alessandro says walking out the door.

"Bye Charlotte," the three older ones say as I get up from my seat.

"Bye," I wave. The car ride is maybe 15 minutes. 

"Charlotte please listen to Gio and stay out of trouble," Luca says as he pulls into the parking lot. As we park all the students look towards the car.

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