Chapter 20

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Charlotte's POV

I wake up to a rainy Monday, my favorite. I sit in AP Lang bored out of my mind. The teacher won't shut up. 

"You okay?" Ava asks.

"Yeah, my body just feels achy," I say. My chest also hurts. 

"Oh, that's not good do you feel sick?" She asks. I shake my head. After what feels like five hours, okay that might be an exaggeration, it's finally lunch. 

"Hi," I say to Hazel and Fiona. It sucks this is the only time we get to see each other. We talk and laugh for the whole 30 minutes before the bell ruins our good moods.

"See you outside the hell hole later," Fiona says and we all bid our goodbyes. After a few more hours the bell finally rings and the best part is I no longer have detention. I leave class to meet up with my friends. The only thing is I now have to wait for practice to end. I sit with my friends, but one by one they leave. I look at my watch and see it's 4:00. Practice doesn't end till 5:15. I walk back into the school, but as I do I bump into someone.

"Hey darlin'," Elliot says. 

"Not my name," I reply with no emotion.

"Why weren't you in detention?" he asks.

"Did you miss me?" I question.

"No," he says. He totally did that's cute. Wait, he missed me.

"I did my time. Why are you out so early?" I ask looking at my watch.

"I did some helpful stuff and got let out early," he says. "Although now that I think about it, it was stupid because I got my car taken away and the bus won't come to the stop for a while," he continues.

"Join the club, I have to wait till practice ends," I say.

"Well, in that case, wanna have fun while we can?" He asks. I am a bit hesitant to spend all that time with him, but I agree. We turned all the clocks to different times, went to the computer labs and switched the cables so nothing would work, put tape under the mouse so they wouldn't work and we taped light switches so you couldn't turn them on. We ensured we were never in view of a camera so we wouldn't be caught. After the pranks, we run up to the roof and sit up there for a while. I am laughing hysterically. As annoying as Elliot is he is super funny, and maybe less annoying than before. I look at my watch and see practice is ending in five minutes. 

"Shit, I have to go," I say.

"It's okay I should head out too," Elliot says getting up and opening the door for me. We walk through the school and eventually exit the front doors and onto the front lawn. I look up to see my brothers standing by the car. They spot me and start walking towards me. They begin to pick up their pace. I don't think that's a good thing.

"Charlotte go get in the car," Alessandro says grabbing my wrist and pulling me away from Elliot.

"Why?" I ask. 

"Because I said so," Alessandro says.

"Stay away from our sister," Luca says to Elliot.

"Whatever," Elliot replies walking away.

"Sorry," I say as he passes me, and he flashes me a small smile. Bruno tries to go after Elliot but he is held back. They lead me to the car and once we leave the school it is dead quiet. Why do they have to control everything?

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