Chapter 12

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Charlotte's POV

I once again got no sleep last night. I watch the hours tick by and once it hits 5 I decide I can go into the kitchen. Like always Giovanni, Vincenzo, and Nicholas were there. Nicholas walks in just a bit before me.

"Morning," I say. I get three good mornings back.

"Charlotte please stay out of trouble today," Giovanni says, more like begs. He kind of looks stressed I wonder why. The rest of my brothers come down and we are soon on our way to hell sorry I mean school.

"Let's go," Luca says parking the car. Just like yesterday, everyone stops what they are doing and stares. If this happens every day I'm going to lose it. I head to English. One of my favorite classes because it's brother-free. The seat I sat at last time was taken so I sit in the middle row by the window.

"Hi, are you new?" A voice asks. I turn my head to the sound about to say a witty remark till I see who asked. I don't know why but something about her stops me. 

"Yeah," I answer.

"I'm Ava," she says. She has tan skin, curly light brown hair with natural blondish highlights and a hint of red, and pretty green eyes. She could be a model.

"I'm Charlotte," I say. We end up talking for the rest of the class. I've never experienced this kind of friendship or really any friendship it feels nice. It turns out we also have Math and Art together. In Math, we sit next to each other and talk the whole class. The teacher kept telling us to stop, but we didn't which he did not like but who gives a fuck. We part our ways till Art.

"I want you to meet my other friends at lunch," Ava says as the end of class comes near. A few minutes later the bell rings. Ava and I leave as fast as we can. We make it to a cafeteria and go to a table a few away from my brothers. 

"These are my friends, Hazel and Fiona," Ava says pointing to two girls.

"Hi, I'm Hazel nice to meet you," Hazel says with a smile. She has freckles, blonde hair, and Hazel eyes. I wonder if that's how her name was chosen.

"Hi, welcome to this hell hole," Fiona says. I like her a lot. She has short brown hair and blue eyes.

"It's not that bad," Hazel says. I think that is to comfort me.

"I'm Charlotte," I say. I sit down and we begin to eat. We talk about the most random stuff and get to know each other. I like these girls because they can talk about other things than just guys which was rare at my last school. In the past, I tried not to get attached to people because I knew we would leave. I learned that the hard way. I don't know why, but I have a gut feeling this time is different. Our conversation is interrupted by a boy not just any boy, three annoying brothers. The three people I sit with look shocked as to why the Giordanos are at their table.

"Can I help you? and if not leave," I say. I don't need them ruining my chance at friends.

"We're good," Alessandro says as they all sit down. AHHHGGG. I put my hands in my hair and pull slightly. WHY!?

"And who are you, ladies?" Bruno asks.

"My friends," I reply before they can hoping they will leave.

"What are your names?" Luca asks giving me a look not to answer. 

"I'm Fiona," Fiona says with no emotion.

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