Chapter 29

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Charlotte's POV

Yesterday was at least somewhat fun. I'm very bored right now. I know how can I be bored in a house like this? Honestly, the stuff here and the fun rooms are boring at times. I choose instead to go organize my closet. Like most girls finding outfits is hard which equals a mess. I start with pants then shirts and finally my dirty clothes. I put the pillows back on the couch, I know it still gets me too. As I'm putting the final stuff away I notice my second suitcase I never unpacked. I open it up to see all my weapons I missed them. I grab my favorite knives and guns and hide them around my room. I mean you can never be too safe.

I take out the other ones and lay them out. I check a few to make sure they are empty and still in good shape. I make note of which knives need to be sharpened and which are good. As I'm about to sharpen some I get called down by Gio. What's he doing downstairs? I knew he wasn't going to the office today, but he said not to bother him he would be busy upstairs all day, and call Enzo if there was a problem. I close the closet door and head downstairs. I hear voices I haven't heard before, a woman. I also hear a slight French accent. I walk down and go to the living room. The formal one. 

"Marvin?" I say when I enter. 

"Salut Charlie," he says.

(Hi Charlie)

"Salut. Tu m'as manque," I say.

(Hi, I missed you)

"Je t'ai dit queue tu le ferais."

(I told you you would)

"Oh, ferme la." Marvin laughs

(Oh shut up)

"Hi Charlotte, I'm Ms. Bierhalls and I'm here to check in on you," she says.

"So you're a social worker?" I ask. "I thought you said I wouldn't have one," I say to Marvin, but he just shrugs, and gives me a guilty look. I thought we agreed on no social workers.

"Yes." I hate social workers. We sit there and she talks with my brothers about me, school, and other stuff. Hey, guess what I am right here just fucking ask me. Just kidding I would just say fine so she can leave sooner. 

"How about you show me you're room," she says to me like I'm five.

"Yeah, then I can show you my-" I start in a very sarcastic tone before getting cut off by Gio.

"That's a good idea," he says. I know he wants her gone because he definitely has stuff to do, but can't leave so she doesn't get the idea he neglects me for his work. But it wouldn't be the first.

"Do you get along with everyone?"

"As well as siblings can."

"Good good." We walk upstairs to my room. 

"Here we are," I say.

"This is beautiful how do you like it?" She asks.

"I love it." This sucks because she left Marvin with my brothers downstairs and now it's just me. If Marvin isn't even gonna be with me then why bring him? Actually, it's definitely for her safety we all know I wouldn't have kept my cool without him to distract me.

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