Chapter 11

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Charlotte's POV

Today felt so long and I'm so tired. I just want to go home and flop onto my bed. The ride home is silent all of us in our own thoughts. As soon as we pull into the garage I get out and make a beeline for my room.

"You in a rush?" Luca asks, but I ignore him. Just as I am about to take the first step up the stairs Giovanni calls my name.

"Charlotte come in the kitchen," he says well more like orders. I walk in trying to deny my thoughts thinking of what this could be about.

"How was your first day?" He asks.

"Long and weird I'm not used to American schools," I say. 

"I'm sure anything happened today?" He asks. I pretend to think before replying no. "Is that so?" He asks. I nod. He knows. No, he doesn't know. I have a fight against myself in my head. "Do you want to explain why I first received an email this morning saying you spoke a different language each class none of which was English? I know you moved around and know a lot of different languages, but don't pull a stunt like that again," he says.

"Okay," I say turning to leave.

"You really think I'm done because I think I'm missing something," he says.

"I don't know what you mean you seem to have covered it all," I say trying to leave again.

"Charlotte," he warns. "Then please explain why I got a call this afternoon from the principal saying you got in a fight with another girl and now have detention after school for two weeks," he says slightly mad. By now all my brothers are in the kitchen watching this as if it is a show. Bruno and Luca are even splitting some popcorn.

"Well, you see this is actually a um just a dream?" I say more as a question, but I have to continue it now. "None of this happened it's all fake," I say taking small, slow steps backward.

"Come back," Giovanni says in a low tone. I know this won't go well for me. "You wanna try one more time?" He asks.

"Try what?" I play dumb which is a very poor choice.

"Okay that's it my office now," Giovanni says. We make it to his office on the first floor. It is Giovanni, Vincenzo, and me. Giovanni and Vincenzo did the eye conversation thing again. It annoys me so much just say it out loud or talk in private. 

"Stop that," I mumble quietly, but they hear.

"I suggest you watch what you say," Giovanni warns. 

"Or else," I say. I know I was already in trouble, but I can't help it.

"That's what we're here to discuss. I thought we agreed you would behave and have no fights and now this attitude and the lying. I don't even know at this point. This was your first day," Giovanni says. 

"I know I fucked up," I say looking at the ground.

"Language," Vincenzo says. So glad he can join the conversation.

"I suggest you don't talk because you keep digging yourself a deeper hole and breaking the rules," Giovanni says. Don't you think I know that? My problem of not being able to stop when I'm ahead got me in trouble a lot. Mom used to say it was my curse and weakened my character. The words hurt a bit but were very true, but I hate to admit that.

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