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Note: You can express your reactions and theories, if I sense a spoiler, I shall take down the comment. Enjoy reading!

[ C H A P T E R 37 ]


Grief is a peculiar thing, isn't it? It creeps in, profound and fleeting, settling into the very bones of your being. And when it strikes unexpectedly, it leaves you grappling with the unexplainable. The duchess, just moments ago in good health and well beyond the first trimester, now faced the harsh reality of a miscarriage.

Unable to contain the storm within, the duke stormed out of the chamber where his wife rested. His office became the canvas for the expression of his agony, as he unleashed his grief on the unsuspecting furniture. The walls of the duke's office seemed to echo with the weight of his pain.

Anna, sensing the torrent of emotions, followed him. In the shadows of the office, she bore witness to the raw, unbridled rage of a man who had just lost not only his unborn children but also a piece of his heart. The air crackled with the weight of the moment, a poignant dance between grief and the desperate search for answers.

She couldn't ignore the tumult of emotions reverberating within him. "Your grace, calm down!" she urged, her voice penetrating through the thick silence that clung to the room.

"Fuck!" Roshan's anguish reverberated in the room, his voice raw with the ache of loss. He traced the edges of a framed painting on his desk—a snapshot of happier times. "I did everything I could," he muttered, a desperate admission, as if trying to convince himself that his efforts had been enough.

Anna, sensing the weight of his pain, approached cautiously. "Your grace," she began, "the past can be a relentless specter, and you already imposed strategies on your might. This is not your fault.."

He slammed his fist onto the desk, the photo shaking under the impact. "I bargained, I pleaded, I did everything to keep her safe," he confessed, the lines of grief etched on his face.

Erwan, who had entered quietly, added, "Your grace, we all know how much you love her. You can't blame yourself for things beyond our control."

There was silence enveloped afterwards. Anna remembered what the duchess said about the duke's trauma, the trigger was pulled and now he's back at the corner of his own mind, just the same as what happened to Annabelle five years ago.

"I thought I could protect them, protect this family. Is this karma for not treating her right in the first place? Am I being punished for my negligence?" the duke softly uttered, his voice was trembling but he managed to say it.

Now, it wasn't Erwan and Anna in the room with the duke, Cyan came in accompanied with Logan.

Cyan joined the somber gathering, spoke with a touch of empathy. "Your grace, grieving doesn't mean you failed. It means you loved deeply."

Before Logan could speak his behalf, he stood abruptly, pacing the room as if trying to outrun the haunting memories. They watched him, a silent witness to a man tormented by his own history.

Anna, sensing the walls he had built, ventured a gentle offer. "Your grace, let the pain out. Sometimes, facing the past is the only way to break free."

His gaze met hers, and for a fleeting moment, vulnerability flickered in his eyes. "I don't know how to face a future without her. She's my lifeline now, her presence is my source. How will this news affect her once she's awake? She will blame me," he said.

Erwan approached him, a hand on his shoulder. "We're here for you, your grace. You don't have to face it alone."

Friendship is a comforting thread, weaving through the moments that define our journey. It's more than just a pleasant company; it's a resilient force that consoles, uplifts, and strengthens. Like a well-worn book, friendship offers pages where shared stories are etched, creating a narrative of camaraderie that withstands the tests of time.

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