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[ C H A P T E R 40 ]


As one of the privileged few with access to the hidden truths of the past, let me guide you through the labyrinth of events that unfolded five years ago. In the clandestine corridors of history, where secrets are guarded like precious gems, I hold the key to unlock the mysteries that have shaped the destinies of the Reidensteigh dukedom.

And we shall start at the night where the deal took place.

Picture the grand mansion standing proudly, its walls echoing with the haunting cries of Annabelle in the throes of labor. In the chamber where the future and fate collided, the birth of Annika Marbella Reidensteigh marked the inception of a legacy stained by both prophecy and turmoil.

Outside these opulent walls, chaos reigned. The clash of swords, the grunts of valiant knights, and the relentless assault on the mansion's fortifications painted a gruesome scene. The once immaculate snow beneath their feet now bore the sinister imprint of spilled blood, while the estate's grounds, cratered by catapults and scarred by explosives, witnessed the devastation of a battle fought not just with arms but with an unrelenting thirst for power.

Yet, these events are not merely fragments of a distant memory; they are threads intricately woven into the tapestry of the Reidensteigh legacy. As your narrator, I shall unveil the obscured chapters, exposing the secrets and lies that have shaped the destiny of this noble house.

In the chaotic battlefield, Cyan, the esteemed Commander of the Order of Knights, showcased his formidable sword skills, dealing with enemies effortlessly. His agility and combat prowess were commendable, only overshadowed by Wince, the presumed best Clover Knight in close combat.

"Ugh!" Cyan grunted, parrying an enemy's attack. His actions were swift and calculated, and as he finished off his opponent, his eyes scanned the battlefield, assessing the situation.

Suddenly, Logan, the marksman of the group, appeared behind him, tallying his arrow shots with a playful demeanor. "And that is forty-three heads—" Logan stopped and aimed for another target, "--oh, forty-four!" he declared triumphantly.

Cyan just smirked and swiftly dispatched another foe, completely showing his undeterred focus. As he turned around again, Logan was still there.

"Tired, Cyan?" Logan teased, but before he could finish, Cyan's decisive move knocked down yet another enemy. That enemy was aiming for Logan but luckily, Cyan was faster.

"You are always a dork in close range," Cyan laughed, making light of the situation.

"Does anybody here have a sense of seriousness?!" Erwan, the butler of the Reidensteigh household, interrupted the playful banter, wielding an ax. "Who's idea was it to take into account the heads of those you've killed?" He questioned the two knights.

Cyan, with a nonchalant shrug, replied, "Unspoken rule?"

Logan chimed in, revealing the source of the competitive counting. "I heard Wince earlier; he was talking about a bet: whoever gets the highest number of heads shall be granted a month's vacation from their position."

Wince, in the midst of using his fists on the enemy, suddenly intervened. "I never said that! Cyan was adamant that he is the best fighter; we'll see about that!" he declared, delivering powerful punches to adversaries as the playful competition continued.

Erwan, resigned to the perpetual banter of the knights, took a deep breath before joining the chaotic fray against the invaders. His eyes followed another enemy, and soon he became part of the lively skirmish alongside the other gentlemen.

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