Chapter 12

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Chaptee name- Ridhan saves Avi

The next day, Sydney Agastya had signed the deal with Mr Matthew and now roaming the mall looking for something that he could gift to Ishika. When hie eur fell on a beautiful pendant. That pendant was a heart shaped one. Agastya picked that pendant. The manager came to him. " How can I help you, sir? " asked that manager. Agastya looked at the manager and gave the pendant to him. " Pack this. " said Agastya. The manager took the pendant and went to the reception.

Agastya went with him. The manager looked at him. " Cash or card? " asked the manager. Agastya gave the manager the black premium card. The manager was shocked to see the card. This is the card that only billionaires and trillionaires had. The manager quickly scanned the card and billed the pendant. He gave the packet to Agastya. Agastya and Rajvansh walked out. When he heard a familiar voice.

He turned around and saw the president of Sydney, Lucas White walking towards him. Agastya smiled and hugged Lucas. " You didn't even tell me that you are here for a month. " said Lucas. Agastya smiled. " Come let's sit in a cafe. " said Agastya. Agastya and Lucas came to the cafe. They both sat down. Lucas looked at Agastya. " So how come here? " asked Lucas, " Lucas, for everyone I came here to sign the deal with Mr Matthew but the main reason is you. " said Agastya.

Lucas was a little shocked. " Me? But why Prince? " asked Lucas, " Someone from your family or friends is planning to kill you. " said Agastya. Lucas was shocked to hear this. " What? Who is it? " asked Lucas, " that I don't know but you have to be careful. I am heading back to India today I have some important work. " replied Agastya, " Okay. But be careful I don't want anything to happen to you. " said Agastya.

Agastya and Lucas got up and walked outside the cafe. Agastya looked at Lucas. " Take care of yourself. " said Agastya, " Okay. " said Lucas. Agastya and Rajvansh walked out of the mall and then sat inside the car. Rajvansh sat on the driving seat and took the car from there. Rajvansh looked back through the rear view mirror and saw a tough following their cars and the very long time.

Rajvansh looked at Agastya. " Prince, a truck has been following us for a very long time. What should I do?" asked Rajvansh. Agastya got a devil smile on his face. " Call John. He will handle everything. " said Agastya. Rajvansh picked the phone and then called someone. After sometime agastha look back and saw that a truck was turned upside down. He got a dark and devilish smile on his face.

The next day, in India, Ishika came down and saw Meena putting some things in a plate. " Good morning Maa. " said Ishika while walking towards Meena. Meena looked at Ishika with a smile on her face. Ishika came to her and touched her feet. Meena picked the plate and gave it to Ishika. " Ishika, tomorrow is karwa chauth. If you don't mind then keep it. " said Meena.

Ishika smiled and took the sargi. " Maa, I will keep the fast for my husband. " said Ishika. When Adi came there. " Mumma, look Nanu made this for me. " said Adi. Meena and Ishika looked at Adi who was holding a sketch that Mr Vyas had made. Ishika smiled. " Papa is still a good painter. " said Ishika with a smile on her face when Tanuja came there. " Ishika. " said Tanuja. Ishika looked at her. " I am going home. Papa is calling me. " said Tanuja, " Okay. I will send the driver with you. " said Ishika.

Parth came there, " No need for it, Bhabhi. I am leaving for the hospital. I will drop Tanuja on the way. " said Parth. Ishika agreed. Parth picked Tanuja's luggage and walked out. Tanuja had no option and went with Parth. Meanwhile, Samarth came out of his room and walked towards Ruhi's room. He came inside and saw that no one was there. " Ruhi. " said Samarth.

Ruhi who was in the washroom heard Samarth's voice and came out. Ruhi had just woken up and was going for a shower. Samarth looked at Ruhi. " My Ruhi. " said Samarth and hugged Ruhi. Ruhi pushed Samarth. " What are you doing? Bhai will see. " said Ruhi. Samarth held Ruhi again. " Parth had gone to the hospital. So. " said Samarth and kissed Ruhi on her cheeks. Ruhi smiled. Then Ruhi also kissed on Samarth's cheeks.

After some time, everyone was sitting on the breakfast table. Meena looked at Samarth and Ruhi. " Listen, I have thought that Samarth and Ruhi will soon get engaged. " said Meena. Samarth and Ruhi looked at each other and smiled. Ishika looked at Meena. " Yeah Maa that is very nice. Tomorrow Agastya will also be back and we all can enjoy the ceremony. " said Ishika, " Hmm. " said Nikhil.

Suddenly Samarth noticed that Avi wasn't there. " Where is Avi? " asked Samarth. Now everyone realized that Avi wasn't there. " That means she hasn't come back since last night. " said Ishika. Samarth quickly ran out. Dhruv went behind him. Ishika and Annie started to call Avi. Everyone was getting worried. After almost 6 hours, Samarth and Dhruv came back. Ruhi came to them. " Did you find her? " asked Ruhi. Samarth moved his head and fell down.

Samarth broke into tears. Samarth was 7 years old when Avi and Rishi were born. He had promised his dead parents that he would take care of Avi and Rishi and now he didn't even know where his sister was. Suddenly Annie came there. " Samarth, look at this. " said Annie and showed everyone a video in which some people were holding Avi and forcing taking her into a room. Samarth looked at Annie. " Which hotel is this? " asked Samarth.

Annie typed something on the laptop. " Grand Meridian. " replied Annie. Samarth and Dhruv went from there. They soon reached the Grand meridian and went to the same room in which they saw Avi being taken. Samarth was about to break the door when the door opened from inside. Samarth and Dhruv saw a man standing there and Avi hugging him.

Samarth came to her. Avi looked at her brother and hugged him. " Bhai. " said Avi while crying. Dhruv looked at that man. " Ridhan, when did you come back? " asked Dhruv. Ridhan looked at Dhruv. " Just a few hours ago. I saw Avi being taken to the room and recognized her so I saved her. " replied Ridhan. Samarth looked at Ridhan. " Thanks Rid. " said Samarth. Ridhan tapped on Samarth's back. " Shut up. And now let's go home. " said Ridhan. They all came down and sat in the car and left from there.

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