Chapter 30

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Chapter name- Agastya vs Steve

A fews days later, the wedding preparations for Rishi and Tanuja's wedding had started. Ishika now had recovered from the poison. Ruhi-Samarth and Avi-Ridhan had come back. Agastya with Dhruv, Ridhan, Rishi and Samarth. Ridhan picked the file. “ Hmm, so you mean that Steve is Selven’s brother. But why does he want to harm you?” asked Ridhan. 

Agastya got up. “ That is my question too. Why does he want to harm my family? ” said Agastya. Samarth looked at Agastya. “ As far as I remember you and Selven signed the deal many years ago. You and Selven were so close and. ” said Samarth, “ Selven said that he is in danger with his own brother. ” replied Ridhan, “ Yeah. ” said Samarth. Agastya looked at them. 

“ This is something else. We need to find out. ” said Agastya. Dhruv looked at Agastya. “ What?” asked Dhruv, “ That is what we need to find out. ” said Agastya. Agastya looked at Rishi. “ Rishi, you go home. You have to take everyone for shopping. ” said Agastya, “ Bhai, looking at all the situation Aunty called the designers home only. ” said Rishi. Samarth stood up. 

“ Then let's go to the palace. We all should stay together in this time.” said Samarth, “ Yeah Bhai, Samarth is right. ” said Dhruv. Agastya smiled. “ Okay. ” said Agastya with a smile on his face. He knew that all is friends are useless when it comes to their wives. They all sat in the car and left from there. 

They reached the Singhania palace and walked inside. When they came inside, they were shocked as the whole hall was filled with lehengas and jewelleries. “ What is all this? What have you ladies made my house into?” asked Agastya. Everyone looked at him. Ruhi stood up. “ This happens when there is a wedding in the house. Right Avi. ” said Ruhi. Now Avi stood up. “ Yeah, Ruhi is right. ” said Avi, “ Okay, okay. ” said Agastya with his hands up.

Agastya, Dhruv, Ridhan, Rishi and Samarth sat down. Parth also came inside and sat down with them. All the boys got busy in a conversation while all thr girls were busy in selecting the lehengas. When they all heard a gun shot. Ishika and Annie got scared. Their stomach had a little pain. It was almost the delivery time for Ishika. Agastya, Dhruv, Parth Ridhan, Rishi and Samarth got up. They all looked at the gate and saw Steve walking inside. 

Agastya was very angry to see Steve. Steve looked at Ishika. “ Oh you survived. I didn't think that you and your unborn child would survive after the poison I gave you. ” said Steve, “ Steve. ” said Agastya and walked towards Steve. Steve looked at him. Agastya pointed his finger towards Steve. “ Don't dare to touch my wife or family. ” said Agastya. Steve smiled. 

“ Oh really? You shousl have thought about taking away my only family. My brother. ” said Steve. Samarth came to Steve. “ Stop this acting Steve. We all know that you hated your brother and you are the one who kill him not Agastya. ” said Samarth. Steve smiled. “ Shut up. You know that we brothers had fight for the property but Selven was still my brother. ” said Steve, “ Then go and find the real murderer.” said Dhruv, “ I will after killing each and every one of you.” said Steve and walked out. 

Agastya was very angry. Ishika got up and held Agastya's hand. “ Don't worry. Nothing will happen to anyone. ” said Ishika. Agastya looked at Ishika. “ You ladies chill. We will not let Steve touch anyone of you. ” said Agastya. After some time, in a mansion, Steve was sitting with a photo in his hand. He had a glass of drink in his other hand. “ Selven, I will surely take revenge for your death I know that the Singhania's are behind your murder. ” said Steve. 

Steve and Selven are twin brothers. The only difference between both the brothers are their eye colour. Selven has blue eyes while Steve has green eyes. That is not just only the difference. Selven could do anything for the family but Steve was a cunning man who only cared about money. Once he blackmailes Selven to take over all the Marx's property but keeping his own parents hostage. Selven gave all the property to Steve. Then Selven started his own business and became successful. 

Steve was very jealous of his brother’s success and always plotted against Selven. The next day, today was the engagement ceremony of Rishi and Tanuja. Everyone was getting ready. Ishika wore a gown of light silver color and was looking very beautiful even without make up. For the engagement everyone gathered in the garden. Rishi and Tanuja sat down on the stage. 

Then they were given rings by Ishika and Avi. Rishi and Tanuja exchanged the ring and then everyone clapped and threw flowers on them. Everyone was dancing expect Ishika and Annie as they were getting princess treatment from Agastya and Dhruv. Suddenly Avi started to feel dizzyness and lost her conscious. She fell down. Ridhan got worried. “ Avi. ” said Ridhan and picked Avi. 

Parth looked at Ridhan. “ Let's take her to the clinic. ” said Parth. Ridhan ran inside. He kept Avi on the bed. Parth sat with her and checked her. He got a smile on his face. Ridhan looked at him. “ What is your problem? My wife has fainted and you are laughing. ” said Ridhan. Parth looked at him. “ I am smiling because soon you are going to faint. ” said Parth. 

Samarth came to him. “ What is it? And what happened to her? Why did she faint?” asked Samarth. Parth hughed Ridhan and Samarth. “ Congratulations Ridhan you are going to be a father and Samarth you are going to be an uncle.” said Parth. Ridhan and Samarth looked at each other in shock. Everyone were very happy for Avi and Ridhan. They all congratulated Ridhan. 

Avi consciousness and looked at everyone. “ What happened to me? ” asked Avi while sitting on the bed. Ruhi sat down with Avi. “ You are going to be a mother soon. ” said Ruhi and hugged Avi. Avi was very happy to hear this. Avi looked wt Ridhan with a smile on her face. Ridhan sat down with Avi and kissed her. “ I am so happy that I am going to be a father. I promise that I will be the best father for my children. ” said Ridhan, “ I know that. ” said Avi with a smile. Avi and Ridhan hugged each other.

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