Chapter 18

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Chapter name- Annie-Dhruv's marriage

The next day, Agastya woke up and saw Ishika sleeping in his arms. Agastya got a smile on his face. Agastya saw the love bites that he had given Ishika last night. Agastya kissed Ishika on the forehead and then came down the bed. He wore the pants and came out of the room. He came to the kitchen and made 2 cups of coffee and some toasts. Then he kept the food on the tray with a rose.

Then Agastya walked upstairs. He kept the food on the table and then came to Ishika. Agastya sat on the bed. “ Biwi, get up. ” said Agastya. Ishika slowly opened her eyes and then looked at Agastya. Agastya and Ishika smiled. Agastya helped Ishika in sitting. Ishika had a little pain. Agastya got the food tray on the bed. Ishika saw the food. “ Everything is your favorite. ” said Agastya. Ishika got a smile on her face.

Agastya sat on the bed and picked the other cup of coffee. Ishika had covered herself in the blanket. Ishika picked the coffee mug. They both had the coffee and the breakfast. Then Ishika tried to step down the bed but her legs hurt so much that she fell on the bed. Agastya picked Ishika on his arms. “ Sorry Biwi. I was too wild last night. ” said Agastya. Augustine Ishika came into the washroom and Agastya closed the door.

Agastya kept Ishika under the shower and started it. The water from the shower was falling on Agastya and Ishika. Ishika turned her back towards Agastya. Agastya held Ishika's waist and pulled her closer. Agastya started to kiss Ishika's back. Ishika closed her eyes and started to feel Agastya's touches on her back. In Avi and Ridhan's room, Ridhan woke up and saw Avi sleeping with him. Ridhan got a smile on his face and kissed on Avi's forehead.

Avi got a smile on her face when she felts Ridhan's lips on her forehead. “ Avi. ” said Ridhan and turned taking Avu above her. Avi was lying on Ridhan. Her sleep had fully vanished. “ Ridhan. ” said Avi. Avi tried to get up but Ridhan kept holding her waist and preventing her from getting up. “ Come on, now give me a kiss and then I will leave you.” said Ridhan, “ No. ” said Avi, “ Okay then I have no problem in holding you like this the whole day. And think what will the whole family think what we are doing in the room. ” said Ridhan.

Avi had no option and then kept her lips on Ridhan's lips. Ridhan pulled Avi closer to himself and made the kiss more passionate. After sometime when Avi wasn't able to breathe ridhan left her like Cherry. Ridhan got a smile on his face seeing away. Avi was looking very beautiful and cute with those Cherry red cheeks. Ridhan left Avi. Avi quickly ran into the washroom and closed the door.

Ridhan laughed. Avi looked at the mirror. “ Avi, why are you blushing so much? ” said Avi. In Samarth's room, Samarth woke up and saw Ruhi sleeping on the bed. He got up and removed his shirt. “ Let's do some exercise. ” said Samarth. Samarth climbed on the bed and then started to do push ups above Ruhi. He kept kissing Ruhi's cheeks whenever he came down. Samarth reached the 99th kiss when Ruhi woke up and turned towards Samarth.

Samarth didn't notice this and his lips crashed into Ruhi's lips. Samarth and Ruhi both were shocked with this sudden kiss. They look at each other in shock. Ruhi quickly pushed Samarth and came down the bed. “ What were you doing? ” said Ruhi. Samarth got up and wore his shirt. “ I was doing what you saw, baby. ” said Samarth. Ruhi hit Samarth on his shoulder. “ You are so shameless. ” said Ruhi and ran out of the room. Samarth kept laughing.

After sometime everyone was sitting at the breakfast table. Dhruv looked at Agastya. “ Bhai, me and Annie want to get married today. ” said Dhruv. Agastya looked at Dhruv and Annie with a smile. “ Okay. Then, you both should get married today itself. ” said Agastya, “ But Bhai, that RV is. ” said Dhruv. Ridhan held Dhruv's hand. “ Don't worry Dhruv. That RV will not even get to know about this. ” said Ridhan, “ Hmm. ” said Dhruv. Ishika looked at everyone.

“ I think that we should go to Haridwar and take Maa and Papa's blessings for this marriage. They also have the right to know about this right. ” said Ishika. Everyone looked at Ishika with a smile on their faces. “ Yes Ishika, you are right. ” said Agastya. Dhruv looked at everyone. “ so decided, we will get married in Haridwar in the presence of Maa papa. ” said Dhruv. Everyone agreed and then went to the rooms to pack their things.

Almost after an hour everyone came to the terrace where two helicopters were standing. Agastya, Ishika, Dhruv and Annie with Adi sat in the first helicopter. Samarth, Ruhi, Avi, Ridhan and Rishi sat in the other Helicopter. The Pilot started the helicopter and took the helicopters towards the airport. Agastya had thought if they would leave through the helicopter then the men who Rav had left behind them would never get to know that they are going somewhere but this time Agastya was wrong.

RV's men had called RV and told him about everyone leaving. RV got a devil smile on his face. “ They must be thinking that I will never get to know but they don't know but I am RV. I am Ranvijay Verma I know everything.” said RV with a devil smile on his face. Soon their helicopters landed on the airport near the Agastya's private charter plane. They all came down and walked inside the plane.

They all sat down and the plane flew towards Haridwar. After a flight of 2 hours, agastya Chartered plane landed at the Haridwar airport. They all came down and sat down in the cars. Their cars ran towards the hotel in which Meena and Nikhil were staying. They reached there and saw Meena and Nikhil sitting near the Ganga. “ Maa, Papa. ” said Agastya and Dhruv. Meena and Nikhil were shocked to see Agastya, Dhruv and everyone else there. August and Dhruv ran towards Meena and Nikhil and hugged them.

“ Kids. ” said Meena. Agastya and Dhruv hugged Meena and Nikhil. “ How come you all are here? ” asked Nikhil, “ Papa, me and Anne have decided to get married so for this marriage we needed your blessings. ” said Dhruv. Meena and Nikhil smiled. “ Our blessings are always with you all. ” said Meena. They all went to the rooms and started to get ready for the wedding. Annie was in the red bridal lehenga while Ishika was in a blue lehenga Avi was in a Yellow Lehenga and Ruhi was in a purple lehenga.

They all came down and then sat in the cars and left for the temple. Annie and Dhruv sat down on the Mandap with the Pandit Ji who started the wedding mantras. Ishika came and tied the knot for Dhruv and Annie. Then Dhruv and Annie got up and started to take the wedding pheras. For the first four pheras Dhruv was in front and then for the last three pheras Annie took the lead for the pheras.

Annie and Dhruv completed the feras and then sad down. Dhruv picked the mangalsutra and tide it around Annie's neck. Then he picked a pinch of Sindoor and filled Annie's partition with it. “ the wedding is complete and I can take the blessings of the elders. ” said the pandit. Dhruv and any got up and then took the blessings of everyone.

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