Chapter 3

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August 30th 2010.

After what had happened yesterday the Police officer who's name was Jackson Lowes let me and Anais stay at his home that night. We had just woken up that morning. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating the breakfast he had prepared for us. I sat next to Kolson who silently ate.

" This is good, Jackson. Thank you. " I replied as I continued eating occasionally looking at Anais who was drinking her cup of coffee.
" Thank you Claire. You're welcome." He smiled a bit as he continued to cook the eggs on the stove.

I continued to eat and soon I finished everything on my plate. I got up from the table and headed towards the sink to wash my plate. " Oh you don't have to do that. I can." Jackson says as he was giving Kolson more eggs.

" No it's alright. I can do it myself." He then nods, not persisting anymore. I put the plate in the sink and turned on the faucet. I then started cleaning it.

A commotion was heard out the Kitchen window facing the street. I looked out and saw Nation guard vehicles in the streets. National guard units were running down the streets and controlling the crowd and unloading the trucks. " What the heck is going on out there?" I broke the silence.

" What is it?" Anais asks as she comes over to the window.

" The National guard is outside. It seems they are fortifying the street." I looked back out the window.

" It must be because of all those crazies or whatever those people are." Anais says as she sips her coffee again.

" That's exactly right Anais." Jackson walks over to the window and looks out with us.

" I'll turn on the news to see if we can learn something useful." Jackson grabs the tv remote from off the China cabinet and turns on the tv in the kitchen.

The news comes on. " The National guard has been sent out this morning to secure the streets of Chicago due to the recent events that have unfolded over the past couple of days. There will now be a strict curfew. No one is allowed to be out after 6 pm. Anyone found after 6 pm will be detained and face punishment."

" A curfew?" Anais asks, setting her coffee down.

"It's to prevent anyone from being attacked in the dark by those crazies infected with that new strange type of virus." Jackson replied.

" So how does this unknown virus work as far as we know?" I asked.
" Well we don't know for sure. But it could be airborne or it spreads some other way. It's already been reported in basically every country worldwide." Jackson said as he looked at me and then Kolson who looked scared.

We continued looking out the window until there was a loud knock on the door. Jackson went into the living room. I heard him open the door and I heard him speaking to someone.

Kolson looked scared and he hid behind me and Anais as Jackson and a Guy with a shaved head dressed in a Military uniform entered the kitchen. " Guys this is Commander Lewis. He is in charge of what is going on outside."

Me and Anais exchanged looks at each other and then Commander Lewis spoke. " We are here to enforce a curfew and a lockdown. You may only have 30 minutes outside a day and food will be rationed. Any guns must be turned immediately."

" Alright." Jackson goes over to the kitchen counter and unlocks a locked drawer and takes out a handgun. He hands it over to Commander Lewis.

" Is that all?" He asks with his commanding voice.

" Yes sir. That is the only firearm in the entire house." Jackson replied.

He just nodded and then walked out the front door. No one said anything and we all exchanged looks. " Daddy, Why did he need your gun?" Kolson asked in a low voice.

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