Chapter 38

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1 and a Half months later...

It had been almost 6 weeks since we arrived at Clinton. Life here was good, nice. I stayed in one of the houses with Noa, Amani, Xavier, Kolson, Anais, and Javier. I hadn't spoken to James basically at all during that time and he didn't bother me. So that was good, I guess.

I sat in the room I had slept in for the past month and a half. It was just a basic run of the mill room. I started feeling nauseous and really shitty lately. I didn't really know what it was. But when I got up this morning I vomited all the food I ate the night before into the toilet. I had felt this shitty for the last few days.

I sighed and looked up at the clock on the bathroom wall. It was around 6:30 am. I heard nothing but the sound of the house settling. I closed the toilet lid and washed turned on the sink and made sure to thoroughly wash all the vomit off my face. After making sure my face looked presentable I sighed and put my hair into a messy bun with a hair tie and walked out of the bathroom.

I left the bathroom door open and slipped back into my room and shut the door. I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled on both of the handles. Both doors creaked as they were pulled open. I pulled out a faded red button up shirt and an old pair of light jeans. I closed the wardrobe doors and soon got myself dressed for the day. I put a pair of earrings in both my ears and then decided I was ready for the day.

I slowly shut my bedroom door behind me and silently walked down the hallway towards the staircase. I silently walked down the steps and made sure to be very quiet to not wake anyone up. I still felt shitty. So I was going to go see the doctor here. Her name was Marla or something. That's what Kala told me.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and was now standing in the living room. I peered my head around and looked to see if anyone was up yet. I only saw Noa and Amani. They were sitting on the couch and just talking in a low mumble. Low enough for me not to be able to hear.

I took a deep breath and walked over towards them. " Morning guys."

Both of them looked up. Noa nodded her head and Amani smiled slightly.
" Morning Claire."

" So what are you guys doing up so early?" I asked, feeling a bit curious.

Noa soon replied. " You woke us up with your vomiting in the bathroom again. Also about that. Are you feeling alright?"

" Oh... Yeah. I'm feeling great." I lied.

Amani soon added. " Anais is right claire. You're a bad liar. Now what's wrong with you?"

I sighed. I soon spoke. " I've been vomiting more in the morning. I've... had some spotting as well."

Both of them looked at each other. Amani looked at me. " I think you're pregnant. From what I'm hearing."

I quickly thought back to the time James raped me. Dear god, no! Please don't make me pregnant! I started to feel anxious and I nearly gagged as now my mind was filled with thoughts of being pregnant. " Oh god no."

Noa soon got up and she put her hand on my shoulder. " How would you get pregnant in the first place? I thought you ended things with James for reasons we still don't know.'

I didn't wanna tell them the truth. But I knew I had too. I sighed and soon told them. " James raped me... That's why I ended things with him and that must be the reason I'm feeling this shitty."

The color drained from both of their faces after they heard what James had done. Amani immediately stood up. " He did what? So he raped you? What the fuck?'

I nodded and looked down feeling anger still for what James had done. " I wished I could stop him."

Noa soon spoke and looked at me sternly. " Well I'll make him pay. I'll castrate him."

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