Chapter 40

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“ Where did they hold you? Can you point it out on the map Victor?” Senna asked as she pointed down to the map of the entire state of Massachusetts on the long brown table. 
                           He sighed and moved his hand over the top of the table and pointed down to an area closer towards the Boston metropolitan area. I looked over at him. “ That’s pretty close to us.”

                  “ I know Claire. That’s why I’m worried about everyone’s safety.” Victor answered me back. 

                      We were in the dining room of Senna’s house. William, Victor, Senna, Lou, Anais, and I were there studying a map of the entire state. Senna soon took out a marker and drew a big red dot to where Victor pointed to. She soon drew a dot on the area where Clinton was located near the lake. 

                  “ Clinton is here and where you were taken was there to Maynard. That’s almost 15 miles away.” Senna said as she looked up at Victor. 

                    He nodded his head. “ They’re gonna be scouring the entire damn area for me. Their leader… his name is Abaddon. He doesn’t let anyone get away. No one has escaped him except for me. He is ruthless, he always gets his way. No matter what you do.”

                    “ We can handle him.” Lou said, looking up from his chair. 

      I looked over my shoulder at him and asked. “ How can we handle them Lou? When we barely know anything about them except for what Victor told us?” 

                        “ Simple. We know where they are now thanks to Victor. They still have no idea where we are.” He replied back, standing up and crossing his arms. 

                    “ Let me guess what you want us to do? Attack them first?” Anais asked, raising her eyebrow slightly. 

                 “ Yes, French girl. You got it. But I say we attack them at night. When their guard is down and when most of them are asleep.” He suggested as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. 

                 I rolled my eyes when he pulled out one of the cigarettes and lit it. Those would kill you. But he didn’t seem to give a shit. I then spoke up again. “ What if something goes wrong with that plan? Then they find out we are there? They are not gonna be very happy and that’s not gonna be a fight we can win.”

                  Anais then added.  “ I feel like we should do some surveillance as well. Say this place where Victor was maybe just an outpost or a compound. What if they have more places where they are?”  

                        “ They don’t. I’m sure of it. I say we do my plan. I’m the only one with military knowledge in this situation.” Lou replied, as he puffed some smoke from the cigarette he held in between his fingers.  

                      I coughed into my hand from the smoke from his cigarette. I looked over at Senna to see what she was thinking. I hope she doesn’t go with Lou’s plan. She sighed and finally spoke. “ Lou was in the military. So he knows what is best. So I'm going along with his plan.”

                   I looked at her and I leaned against the wooden table. “ You can’t be serious, Senna? Say his plan works and we take out the shadows here. We live in peace and harmony or what if we defeat them and we think we’ve won. But more of them show up? What do we do then?”  
       “ They don’t have any more people. We’ll be fine.” Lou said, stomping his cigarette out on the tile floor. 

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