Chapter 39

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" Claire?" Victor asked, looking surprised when he saw my face. He looked like he had been through hell. His hair was a mess and his clothes were ripped up and he had scars all over his face. What the hell had happened to him?

Regina stepped back as I answered Victor. " Victor? How? Why are you here?"

He looked at me. He looked down before he replied. " I live here, Claire. But what are you doing here? Why aren't you in North Carolina?" He lived here?

I sighed and answered. " Where we were was attacked. A lot of people died. I mean a lot of people."

" Are Kolson and Anais okay?" He asked, a look of concern plastered over his face.

" Yeah. They're both alright." I replied.

" Thank god." He muttered to himself. " Can you just open the gate please?"

I looked over at Regina. She sighed and climbed down the ladder and I followed behind her. Regina soon pulled the gate open and she looked over at Victor.
" Are you armed?"

He nodded and revealed a knife. He dropped it in front of him and he stepped back. Regina quickly picked it up and handed it to me. " One question. If you live here. Then why weren't you here for the past month and a half, we have been here?"

" Yeah we've been here for almost 2 months and we never saw you. Why?" I asked.

He sighed. " I was kidnapped by a bad group of people on a supply run with 2 others. They were tortured and killed. Those people who took us called themselves the Shadows. They kill anybody who doesn't cooperate with them."

Me and Regina exchanged looks. " What did they do to you?"

He hesitated but soon responded. " Beat me, cut off my fingers." He held up his hand revealing his ring finger and pinkie missing. I gasped a little and then continued. " They branded me twice. To claim I was their special servant or slave." He lifts up his shirt revealing a brand mark on his chest.

" Victor. Jesus christ. I am sorry that all happened to you." I said as I stepped slightly closer towards him.

He waved me away with his hand. " It's not your fault. I just wanna find Adeline."
" Who's Adeline?" I asked, feeling a bit curious.

He sighed and replied. " My daughter. Well my adopted daughter."

I nodded my head slightly. " Well I'll help you get to her then." I stood by his side. He didn't protest and just walked inside.

Regina sighed and she closed the gate behind him and put the lock in. " I'm gonna go find Senna and tell her about this."

" Thank you." Victor replied as Regina walked away.

He turned around and looked at me. " It's good to see you're okay."

I smiled slightly. " It's good to see you alive and still kicking.'

He chuckled and then I heard footsteps coming from behind us and then someone spoke. " Victor!?"

Victor and I turned around to see Kolson standing there with Javier. Kolson's face was one of surprise and shock. Victor smiled and then he spoke. " Hey Kolson."

Kolson didn't say a word and he just stood there frozen in shock. Javier just stood by him in silence. Around a few seconds later Kolson finally managed to mutter out a few words. " What are you doing here?"

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