Chapter 32

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Greensboro North Carolina...

The van had run out of fuel just a few miles outside of the city. We were so close. Yet so far. We had to walk for around 3 hours to finally reach the outskirts of the city. The Rotters around the area were more sparse and spread out. Which was good.

A few more abandoned suburban style houses came into view as we walked further on towards the city center. A few more Rotters stumbled behind us. But they were ultimately too slow to catch up and we didn't wanna use what energy we had on having to deal with them at this moment.

I looked back at the small Rotter pack that was starting to form behind us every so often. Just in case they somehow gained the ability to move faster and attack us or whatever. I looked over at Kolson. He kept looking back at them like I was. He looked a little worried.

I sighed and kept close to him. Meanwhile Becky and Bruce walked side by side while Regina was getting way to chatty with Thiago. He seemed to be enjoying the attention she was giving him.

Noa and Alejandro were keeping a close eye on Javier who was still silent as always. Amir was mumbling something to himself every so often. I often stared at him when he did this and he caught me on many occasions.

We soon started coming upon more urban style streets with many more buildings and some abandoned cars and corpses scattered here and there. The Rotters that had followed behind us were now too far away to be a threat to us at the moment. " It's getting late. I suggest we start looking for a place to stay for the night." Amir said as he stopped and turned to look at all of us.

" Alright. I'll go with you." Noa replied as she walked over and stood beside him.

" Me too." Javier quietly mumbled out quietly.

Some of us stared at him because it was the first time hearing the kid speak. I was a tiny bit surprised he had spoken because the kid hadn't muttered anything in the last almost 3 weeks and this was the first time we heard him speak.

" Okay Javier. But stick close to us." Amir told him with a small smile.

He nodded his head slightly and kept the blank expression on his face and he walked over towards them. " So Claire, how about you go with Regina and Alejandro." Amir suggested.

" I actually wanna stay with Kolson." I needed to make sure he was safe. I felt he would be the safest with me.

He looked up at me with a small smile. " I'll be fine Claire."

I turned towards him, returned his smile and I replied. " Okay Kolson. But if there's trouble. Just yell and I'll come running."

He nods. " I will."

I nodded back and I walked over to Becky and whispered quietly into her ear. " Keep an eye on him."

She whispered back into my ear quietly. " I promise."

" Thank you.' I replied quietly.

" Anytime." She responded back and rested her hand on my shoulder.

I nodded my head to her and soon she pulled her hand away. I turned and walked over to Regina and Alejandro. " So what area did Amir tell us to look at?"

" Down that way." Alejandro said, pointing with his right hand towards the end of the opposite street.

" Well then I'll lead the way then." I took my knife out from its holder and I started walking towards the direction Alejandro pointed. They followed close behind.

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