Chapter 27

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(For Anyone wondering the image above. Its supposed to be Kolson:)

It had almost been 2 weeks...since everything occurred with Greg. My shoulder still hurts like a bitch and thank god for Bruce, Kala, and Sheila. I thought I was gonna die. I was staying in the house because of orders from Sheila.

So I was just in the kitchen. It was maybe around 9 am. Kolson and James were out helping Jesse and Charlene in the Pantry. So the only ones in the house were me and Anais. She was still upstairs. Probably taking a long ass shower or something.

I just sat at the counter drinking a cup of water from the sink bored out of my mind. I heard the sound of Anais coming down the stairs. She soon entered the kitchen.
" Hey."

I looked up and smiled. " Hey. Did you take a long shower? You're usually downstairs at this time?"

She opened the cabinet and got out a cup. " I overslept. I was tossing and turning the whole night. Keep having some damn nightmare."

" Oh. What was the nightmare about?" I asked. Sipping some water from my cup.

" Uh. I'm in the woods and I get caught by some Rotters and they eat me. I have been having it for the last 3 days." She sighs and opens another cabinet and pulls out a bottle of whiskey and pours it into a cup.

" Where the hell did you get whiskey from?" I looked up at her.

She finished pouring it and closed the bottle. " I stole it from Gemma." She sips it.

" You're bold, and having whiskey at 9 am." I laughed to myself.

"From the last 2 weeks, I feel like I need it more than her at the moment. ." She set her cup down and cringed. " Damn now I remember why I hate whiskey."

I laughed at her comment and got up off the stool and stretched. " I'm going over to Gemma's."

" What? Sheila said you should stay at home for at least 2 weeks." Anais replied.

" I'll be fine. It's literally just a 5 minute walk to Gemma's. Also don't get drunk on whiskey while I'm gone."

She responded. " I won't. I promise you that."

" Alright. See ya later." I waved and soon walked out the front\ door closing it behind me.

I stood outside the door and took a deep breath of fresh air. It felt good to be outside that house. I soon walked down the path in the direction of Gemma's house.

(George Pov)

" Yeah, just put the rifles in the back of the truck." I commanded Danny.

He nodded and just did as he was told. Everyone was getting ready for the attack. This time I will succeed. Drive those bastards out of there and take over Fearrington. Anna had her arms crossed and she was shaking her head at me.

I sighed and wiped off the sweat off my forehead with my hand. I hopped out of the bed of the truck and walked over to her. " What's wrong?"

" Every single thing about this is wrong Mason! Killing people? Just to take over some place!?" She replied.

I placed my hand on her cheek and caressed her face. " I know. But it's not safe here. The fences are bad Anna. We are in a very bad place. It only takes a horde or a group of people to bring it down. I wanna protect you, Shelly, and your sisters."

She sighed. " I know. But promise me you will try to maybe take over peacefully? No shots fired?"

" I promise." I lied.

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