Chapter 5

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We were driving down interstate 55 towards Springfield. The entire highway was deserted except for the abandoned cars and traffic jams you would have to detour around to continue on your way. 
            I was focusing on driving and occasionally I would see out of the corner of my eye Anais starting to fall asleep as she looked out the window. I could also see Kolson. He looked bored out of his mind

             We drove through many recently abandoned towns. Everything was quiet. I couldn’t see any living thing as we drove. It was like we were the only living things left in this world.            

            “ Claire, how long until we get there?” Kolson broke the silence. 

      I responded. “ A few more hours, Kolson. Just a few more hours.” 

             A few more hours passed by rather slowly. I was starting to get tired of sitting and driving. Luckily I saw a sign that read. Springfield next exit. We had gotten here with no difficulties. I looked at my watch quickly to see what time it was. It was 1:34 pm. 

           “ Thank god, we’re finally here.” Anais stretched her arms and groaned.

     “ Yeah. It will just be a few more minutes until we reach my parents house. So hold on until then.” I stepped on the accelerator and I took the exit. 

              We drove into Springfield. The streets were quiet. A few corpses littered the streets. Trash was all over the place. There were a bunch of abandoned military posts and Military vehicles. As we drove by it, I saw a bunch of bodies in front of a machine gun post. Something horrific had gone down here. 

                 I quickly cleared my head. “ Kolson don’t look.” Anais puts her hand over his eyes so he couldn’t see the gruesome sight. Not like he hadn’t seen anything before. 

           Eventually we got farther away from the area. We started getting closer and closer to the street where my parents house was located. 

       I finally saw my parents house come into view. I smiled. I hadn’t been here since I was 21. I stopped the car in front of the house. So the house was blue with two stories and it was in the old Colonial style.            

               “ Well here we are. My parent’s house.” I spoke and unbuckled my seatbelt.  

           “ It’s so big!” Kolson exclaimed as he jumped over Anais and out of the truck. 

       “ Kolson! Don’t go without me or Claire with you!” Anais shouted as she gets out of the car and runs after him towards the front gate. 

             I laughed slightly and stepped out of the truck. I slammed the door shut and walked over to them. I opened the gate. I walked up the pathway to the front door. The house was silent. No sounds. Except for our breathing. 

                 I hoped maybe they were inside. Maybe they fortified the house to wait it out. Maybe. 

             I raised my hand to the door and knocked on it. I wait for a few seconds. Nothing. I looked at Anais and Kolson. Anais had a look of doubt on her face. While Kolson just had a blank expression. 

              “ I’ll go check. Stay put.” I tried the doorknob. It was unlocked. I then entered the house. I stepped inside the living room. It looked the same as it always did. But the curtains were closed. “ Hello? Mom? Dad?” I held my knife up just in case of any surprises. 

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